handle an oligarch
the same way you’d handle a god
tell him he’s in charge
handle an oligarch
the same way you’d handle a god
tell him he’s in charge
you know the shape of it—
appeasing a violent man
it’s the same shape as hands
praying for salvation
or words of supplication
on the lips of servant hearts
tell him it’s by his will
and only his will
that good things might come to you
of course
but by his almighty mercy
maybe he’ll grant them to you anyway
like your life depends on it
like without him
you’d be in hell
like without him
he’d send you to hell
like without him
he’d raise hell
write scripture for him
lay prostrate for him
tithe money to him
and hope it’s enough to keep you from death
just like you would a god
take yourself and throw her away
drown her in water
raise her up new
and when they ask
how did you do it
how did you survive
how did you know
tell them you had a lot of practice
sacrificing yourself
at the behest of
a king