From the This got me.
The amount of money that America’s richest four billionaires (Musk, Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg) added to their money bins since 2020 is over $400 billion.
“….the cost to entirely end child poverty in America is an estimated $25 billion….
The amount of money that America’s richest four billionaires (Musk, Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg) added to their money bins since 2020 is over $400 billion.
“….the cost to entirely end child poverty in America is an estimated $25 billion….
So, why do we avoid spending $25 billion to solve a $167.5 billion problem?
I suspect you already know the answer, and it’s the same reason we crowdfund medicine for kids, sell our insurance policies to pay medical bills, lack a national healthcare system, routinely get ripped off by Big Pharma, and are daily assaulted by toxic chemicals:
America’s morbidly rich and largest corporations were, in 1978 and again in 2010, given the legal right to bribe politicians by five corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court.