"Stop investigating ME" the king says, vociferously!
Cunt! Turd, waste of oxygen.
For want of a condom, his Dad gave us --Him--
Fred, may you forever roast in hellfire for not pulling out early, like good Catholics do!!
Mary, you could have made him a 'post-birth abortion' and saved us all.
With pitchforks and torches, if need be, force the Trump Administration and family into one of Musk's penis rockets, and 'Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun'!
Pink Floyd, we adore your prescience!
It must suck when the people you hire to investigate organized crime start investigating their bosses!
And prove reason to pursue further investigations!
Incredible that his supporters think that firing all the experts in fighting crime is the best way to reduce crime. Or maybe those were just words to get elected, not what he actually intended to do? Who'd have guessed?
I mean, when your entire governing structure is essentially organized crime, and you’re actually just a prop for Russia, where organized crime literally runs the country, yeah, this is what happens. Well done GOP and MAGA - hope you got those cheap eggs. Oh, wait.
who exactly is looking after it now?
Cunt! Turd, waste of oxygen.
For want of a condom, his Dad gave us --Him--
Fred, may you forever roast in hellfire for not pulling out early, like good Catholics do!!
Mary, you could have made him a 'post-birth abortion' and saved us all.
Pink Floyd, we adore your prescience!
And prove reason to pursue further investigations!