If they are so backhanded in farming that even numerous EU subsidies don’t help them to stay competitive and every new market player freaks them out so much, maybe it’s better to let it go and switch to some other profession
If you use X look up Professor Peers or @ StevePeers. Bc no doubt Professor will probably be talking about it. Cool & will engage with regards any questions you have.
It seems that the farmers have chosen this as a way to draw attention to their position on the proposed EU/Mercosur trade agreement. Also it's sometimes forgotten they have complained about Ukrainian imports too.
You know the "farmers" are useful idiots at best, on the FSB payroll at worst right? There is documented Russian and far right influence on these protests. If they wanted to "draw attention to their position on EU police" they'd protest outside the EU offices or blockade a border WITH EUROPE.
Look into it , eventually it always leads to Putin . Exploiting a “ fissure or crack “ in any public protest regarding hot points . It’s called HYBRID WARFARE - educate yourself on what it is and how it works.
somehow, it's not false. ukrainian products are cheaper, but they are supposed to transit only through europa to be exported
what stupid polish farmers don't get is that if these products are sold in poland it's due to corrupted polish officials
they believe they are invaded by ukraine cheap products
what stupid polish farmers don't get is that if these products are sold in poland it's due to corrupted polish officials