One of the most amusing aspects of this app is seeing liberals and fake conservative #NeverTrump ers rant about the second polling political party in #Germany being 'Nazi' while saying about a Waffen SS Galitzien veteran getting a standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament: 'it's complicated'.
This shit is wrong on so many levels. There are plenty of people on the spectrum that are 100% against nazis and elon and everything they stand for. You all are just as bad if you belittle and speak like this about people on the spectrum. This makes you they same as nazi. Hateful fucks. Fuck elon.
He has all the money in the world but he never even paid to get assessed, he's probably scared that he isnt actually autistic but rather narcisstic instead. Its both in the DSM-5 but oh so different. He pisses me off so much 🤮