Do you have a P.O. Box? I know you can’t have social media but you can get actual mail, right? I know a few people who might want to send cards and letters. I mean, we are all pretty busy writing to our premier and MLA’s….
Glad you're here Nate! I suspect you were getting to close for their comfort. But we won't discuss that. I hope you are okay. You've got tons of people behind you!!
We fucking ❤️🔥 you, dude! Like, oodles and oodles! Don’t cha forget it. There’s nothing bad anyone could say about you any of us would believe. I know their game. They’re gonna push your buttons to try to force a moment of weakness, then try to say that defines you and a life of good works doesn’t.
Feels like someone called a fave from a judge, why else would they shutdown a whistleblower conduit.
So sketchy.
In NB, Tim Houston Con govt new law: with 2/3 votes they can fire auditor general.👀
You'll be back. 💯
Thanks for being you!! ❤️🩹
Glad you are here in some form.
We all support, appreciate and respect you greatly!