The worry is that the entire health insurance workforce will be out of a job all at once.
My advice: retrain them for real, valuable work. As we did with the coal miners.
No,we can't have it because a large group of people are just fine with not getting nice long as it means that the people they fear or dislike don't get them either.
If the same thing were offered, but only for "them", they'd be all over it.
It's really that simple...and sad.
The people who will be taxed the most to pay for this (rich), the people who would still seek private healthcare if it were nationalized (also the rich), and the people who have gotten rich (the rich, of course) from the current system will keep buying politicians to keep this from happening.
Years ago, on Twitter, I literally had people get up in arms when I suggested that a national healthcare system would be the most efficient solution. Their complaint was, "What about the thousands of jobs that will be lost in the insurance industry?"
But how can politicians and billionaires trick people into blaming others for their hate is they do this? that would mean they would have to do work, and you know no one goes into politics to do actual work and care about otehr people these days.
My advice: retrain them for real, valuable work. As we did with the coal miners.
If the same thing were offered, but only for "them", they'd be all over it.
It's really that simple...and sad.
GOP Karaoke song.