The only thing which is the evidence that makes our healthcare system as it stands makes sense is it's criminal and it's legal blackmail over us that needs to be put to an end all insurances are scams that is one of the many examples of why
My son had butt worms and the clinic said "you can get the over the counter stuff but it doesn't work very well, or this is 800 for two pills-- works great"
I just figured out this week how big pharma is getting around Biden moving the drug cap from 8k to 2k. They removed my expensive one from their formulary meaning they won't cover it in 2025 when my cost drops 6k.
GoodRX is a great site. Not only does it tell you the discounted price, but the costs of all the pharmacies by you with the discounted rate. Also check out Haven't tried that but it's discounted site.
Healthcare cost escalation is out of hand and supported by insurers because it increases turnover, salaries and bonuses while also offering greater scope for expanding profits. No downside unless, of course, you're stuck having to fund out of pocket.
Yes but there's what economists call ' normal profits' and then there's supra-normal profits earned by oligopolies in licensed or restricted entry industries. As a professional investor for last 20 years I'm all for profitable companies.
I'm on two medications that are both generic. If I buy them according to my insurance plan by mail order at their pharmacy, the drugs cost about $300 a month. If I buy them from a local grocery store without insurance, it's about $30. If I buy them from Cost Plus it'll be about $10.
Right? When the coupon I had on file for a huge discount on my thyroid expired, the pharmacist aide said, 'I think the store has a program,' went tappity-tappity-tappity, and 'There you are.'
Because the whole fucking thing is a scam. One of my prescriptions is over $2,000 a month without insurance. With my Cadillac insurance plan it's still over $1,000 a month. But add a "copay discount card" and miraculously it's $0. If we can get from $2,000 to $0, it should never have been $2,000.
Yep. But not just rx. I need a plasma infusion for an orthopedic problem, about $1k. Insurance won’t pay for that, but instead other meds & physical therapy, which is probably about $2k so far without an end in sight. (PT helps but doesn’t solve the issue).
My insurance company refused a necessary drug I have been on for 25 years. After that, they refused to cover an asthma inhaler. They refused to cover an emergency BP med. It is insane. When I complained to the insurance commissioner, they said it was legal and according to regulations.
That’s criminal. I wish I had suggestions in eggs to do. Contact the drug manufacturer directly for sure. They do have programs. And check maybe call the state ombudsman for healthcare and your senators.
And trump is going to make sure all the price decreases that President Biden/Harris have received will be reversed but it will make no difference because he is going to make medicare the same as private coverage...
Remember MAGATards voted for this!~maybe they though Dems would save them from loosing Medicare and Social Security as they have done for the last 4 years...
You pay for prescription medicine and for consultations and treatment? Really? Even if it's essential? Which is this undeveloped country without proper health provision? Not Europe I guess.
Yup! IDK if it's nationwide but I always compare the cost of the scrip going thru my insurance vs using the app GoodRx which is usually cheaper. Sometimes it depends whether you've already met your deductible.
That just happened to me at Walgreens. They wanted over 45
Dollars for doxy for Lyme. I said what?! This is a cheap medication!
Aha remembered GOODRX and got price down to 23 dollars. BUT then got home went through GOODRX and
Another supermarket pharmacy had it for 2 dollars and nineteen cents!
Yet many expereinced for the first time this year paying exactly $0 copay for our priscription medications.
This is because President Biden finally pushed their hands to put a cap on the max co pay.
I doubt we shall expereince similar thing next year though 😔
I say that because, whatever incremental changes are made (and I realize that was a large one), we still pay multiples of what folks in other nations pay.
You are right of course.
I am an English born, originally national health trained surgeon who imigrated here about quarter of a century ago. Still struggling to figure this broken system of private insurance both for patients and the providers.
Had to make do without the first one. UHC told me it’s a tier 1 drug, look for a similar drug in the tier 3 category. Found one for $425. $415 with coupon.
Very similar thing happened to me last month. My "insurance" decided not to cover my asthma pills that I've been taking for decades. $120 for 3 months. Pharmacist applied coupons, back to $22 but for 30. Just refilled again, insurance back to $22 for 90. 🙄🤔
Our healthcare and education industries are obscenely expensive so keep up military recruitment. The wealthy don't notice but us poors have to choose between a slow death or being fodder for the military industrial complex.
Your health system is not designed to improve people's health. It is a profit making machine, like your government. Ever wondered why all your representatives are rich? It is not a proper Democracy, because of Citizen's United
Same shot happened to me. I needed an antibiotic after getting out of hospital. $765 (that was my copay not the actual cost of the antibiotic which was over $1500) for 30 pills. The pharmacist found coupons $36.
FYI even though United Healthcare stock is down this week from bad press, the stock is listed as a “strong buy.” The company is very healthy unlike the mental health of the people they insure.
It absolutely makes sense. Your problem is that your default is one of a decent human: health insurance should exist to best provide access to health care; in the sociopathic version of capitalism we practice in the US, profit above all is goal.
My insurance no longer covers my monjauro since my bw came back no longer diabetic (3rd time)... BECAUSE I've been on the medication. It's not to lose weight. Screw it. I found a weight loss site to get it I pay less than with insurance even though I don't need for weight loss.
That’s messed up!!! I know it is a miracle for people with so many issues. I want to try it for my blood sugar, I am underweight. It has zero to do with weight. I hope you can stay on it!
husband needed eye drops before cataract surgery. One pharmacy said they couldn't get them if they did 300. but CVS said they could and would be about 500.. Dr says I'll send you a coupon that should save you 60.00 they should charge you about 140. Well said pills upon pick up we're 33.
People have reported that when they drill down into why hospitals charge the prices they do, somebody set that price at that level, and they just increased it from there over years. There's no logic to any of this.
Similar story: Hubby came down with COVID this summer. Our GP prescribed paxlovid, and I humped down to the pharmacy to get it. The pharmacist told me it cost $1,000./1
After I put my eyes back in, he told me that, on the basis of being older than 65 and retired, I should be able to get a discount from the manufacturer. I took me over an hour, wrangling on my phone, but I got the discount and paid nothing. Make sense of that./2 (finis)
Asked if i wanted to give my dog a shot for arthritis and said it w$130. I told her ok and after that she said we need to do it monthly,🤬as soon as she was finished. I said why didn’t you tell me that sooner?
I’m not sure which new migraine medication my husband was supposed to try, his old migraine med is just not working nearly as well. His co-pay was 1,000 a month, who the hell can afford that? I guess Serena Williams can, maybe it’s free for her, with her doing the commercials.
One of my migraine meds was $800 WITH insurance. They just didn’t want me taking that one. I paid for it once, then waited until I had met my deductible to fill it again at no cost (doesn’t take long when you get Botox for migraines). Then Dr switched meds for me.
When I told my Dr, she apologized for having put me on it! That med has been out a few years now, so I wouldn’t have that problem now, I don’t think. It’s so screwed up though.
None of it makes sense. I spent 5 years living in the UK full-time. The NHS is *amazing*! I paid $1300 US to access NHS services for 16 months; at the time, my monthly bill for ACA was $500, $3500 deductible.
I could write teams about the NHS; my worst NHS case beats my best ACS case, hands down.
However we didn't know that at the time and weren't yet covered.
I don't understand any of it. 🤷♀️
but wait. they'll take my bro's license. in fact, since they knew it was me standing there? they'd a-taken ANY license that 'went through.'
insane. 🙄
Dollars for doxy for Lyme. I said what?! This is a cheap medication!
Aha remembered GOODRX and got price down to 23 dollars. BUT then got home went through GOODRX and
Another supermarket pharmacy had it for 2 dollars and nineteen cents!
This is because President Biden finally pushed their hands to put a cap on the max co pay.
I doubt we shall expereince similar thing next year though 😔
I am an English born, originally national health trained surgeon who imigrated here about quarter of a century ago. Still struggling to figure this broken system of private insurance both for patients and the providers.
Oh, it may be a "system" but there's no health involved and even less care.
I could write teams about the NHS; my worst NHS case beats my best ACS case, hands down.