Yeah, I was naive and gullible, so I skipped over those parts and tried to emulate the better parts I can control. The Bible is fairly graphic and should not be allowed in children’s libraries.
Heard LITTLE to NOTHING during campaign r/e the 100's of 1000's that perished bc of his lack of response to COVID. MSM dropped the BALL. Gave him a FREE PASS. ConGRATS, MSM, including CNN & MSNBC. Can't watch ANY.
The struggles of the poor exist not only because of the greed and power of the rich but also because of the laziness and stupidity of the poor who do not ALLLLL peacefully assemble to air their grievances, join unions and strike and shut down all the businesses and the country.
Non union workers scab off of unions getting better pay and benefits and working conditions because, duh, non union workers would have left right to work states if employers there did not match union wages and benefits.
They do not match wages and benefits. Check out what a carpenter earns in Boston and compare that to any sunbelt city. They used to tell us it was because there were less weather days off in Texas.
We have been told that unions lead to socialism all of our lives here. They never give thanks for the little bit of work relief just because unions exist.
Alt text: "When wealth is passed off as merit, bad luck is seen as bad character. This is how ideologues justify punishing the sick and the poor. But poverty is neither a crime nor a character flaw. Stigmatize those who let people die, not those who struggle to live."
-Sarah Kendzior
I understand that. I also deal with chronic illness. I’m going to go alt text some of your recent posts, but I don’t want it to come across like I’m passive-aggressively scolding you for it. 🩵 Sending you good vibes and wishing you good health.
You’re awesome!! I am so grateful. I feel badly I didn’t do it but I’m posting to process all this in real time and get it out to others. I sooo appreciate that!! Glad it can be done in post!
Alt text:
Tay Tonday
Being poor now just leads to being more poor later. Can't pay to clean your teeth? Next year, pay for a root canal. Can't pay for a new mattress? Next year, pay for back surgery. Can't pay to get that lump checked out? Next year, pay for stage 3 cancer. Poverty charges interest.
All of it.
Very Scary times ahead
Apparently being poor and out of work makes you a terrible candidate
-Sarah Kendzior
Tay Tonday
Being poor now just leads to being more poor later. Can't pay to clean your teeth? Next year, pay for a root canal. Can't pay for a new mattress? Next year, pay for back surgery. Can't pay to get that lump checked out? Next year, pay for stage 3 cancer. Poverty charges interest.