mutual of mine found out a bunch of their fanart was posted to a booru (with linkbacks, yknow how boorus are) and they like freaked the fuck out for a week gfyeudis
neither like. freak out "they're stealing my work" and I was like. I have never seen somebody say that abt a booru before it was just a strange thing to see. like i thought we all knew what those were abt and just left them be
does sonic's universe have an underwear store just for animals like does Rouge have to go to a special place to get fitted does Amy have to cut the tail hole in her panties
every furry in the world loves this speculative bullshit. stores will do shit like "our undies have a tail hole" but its for the small tails of canines and shit. every kangaroo sighs cause their big ass tail is NOTTTTT fitting in that
these are the questions no one should be asking