The act of standing up to a bully (most likely a public/political figure) and/or chasing said person out of your community with shouts, posters & group demonstrations.
Also not said Thank You to the allied nations that sacrificed 1000+ of their soldiers fighting America's post 9/11 wars. For the billions they spent supporting America. For sacrificing THEIR security needs to adapt to what America asked of us.
In fact he's SPAT on those nations.
Might I suggest a little Performance Art at the State of the Union Dems just Put an Egg on their Desk (could have a face on it be creative) would make Great National Tv. I'm not saying throw them that is old school. But perhaps at a Parade Event with the Beast it might be a good idea to show respect
I was rooting for a tree to jump in front of him but he wasn’t going fast enough anyway..
(c 2025)
The act of standing up to a bully (most likely a public/political figure) and/or chasing said person out of your community with shouts, posters & group demonstrations.
In fact he's SPAT on those nations.