So…did everyone survive Mercury Retrograde? Any mishaps to share?
#WitchSky #Pagan
#OccultSky #witch
#WitchSky #Pagan
#OccultSky #witch
the vaccines did help, but goddamn it still hit like a brick.
I think it was also the point I just chose to grow my hair all the way out, too....
But you know the mishap with my father.
#2 stomach prob., had to go to ER vet for IV, x-rays, etc.
#1 was good! Nope. Found a hot spot in her armpit. Vet visit tomorrow.
I love them like they're my children, but that's $1700 in vet bills in 10 days!
I’m going to be regretting that one for awhile
Normal service will be resumed shortly!