One way for news outlets to respond would be an immediate TV ban on airtime for all administration officials.
Reposted from
Peter Baker
The message is clear. Given that the White House has already kicked one news organization out of the pool because of coverage it does not like, it is making certain everyone else knows that the rest of us can be barred too if the president does not like our questions or stories.
all the WH beat is going to produce is yet another horror story clickbait video clip of a Trump person being vile
just not important news, or at least not anywhere near the MOST imp news
Hold their feet to the fire. Drown them in interview and fact-checking requests.
Are they going to drink champagne and toast each other, and tell themselves "We can't let the bad guys win"?
I understand that everyone cites FNC’s numbers on cable news…
But think of broadcast. It exceeds by millions upon millions.
You stop covering them live and simply become the adversarial Fourth Estate you are meant to be.
Let the RW be their propaganda arm.
If the only attention he ever got was from FNC… he would throw ketchup on the walls.
And even FNC would have to start covering him differently.
It’s leaving an abusive toxic relationship. You get to spill the tea on your ex to everyone and there’s not a damn thing they can do but complain to their friends that you are.
Take away the attention and you weaken him.