Democratic leadership:
you have been weighed,
you have been measured,
and you have been found wanting
Time for the failed leaders to step out of the way so the new warriors, who actually understand the world today, can take over and get our country back
you have been weighed,
you have been measured,
and you have been found wanting
Time for the failed leaders to step out of the way so the new warriors, who actually understand the world today, can take over and get our country back
Wait…. He/they wouldn’t…. Shit!
We have to stop waiting for a hero to rise up and save us
We are all the heroes
We are the ones that need to stand up and say NO
This is our country too
We need to rise as one voice and say this wrong
This is not America
We have an administration ignoring court orders FFS. Take the fucking gloves off, fight, get in the way, delay; this regime has already crossed many unthinkable lines.
The Dems are both incompetent and ineffectual and now we reap the harvest…