Time to nationalize SpaceX and StarLink! Trump won't do it because he has been bought and paid for Musk. Nonetheless, the world can't be held hostage by a billionaire whose whims or ketamine fevers can affect the outcome of a war against a invading merciless dictator.
This is twilight zone season. How does the individual, placed in charge of cutting federal funding, also still own shares in companies that are currently receiving federal funding?? How is this not a conflict of interest? Never mind the lack of actual experience or credentials to hold this position.
Now Musket is the real thief amongst others taking advantage of hardworking Americans he should be ashamed of himself but of course without a soul he has no shame.
from those companies.
Why can’t we do that? Seem super common sense
Don't let someone with limited sense of history rile you up because he is ignorant.
This guy is the epitome of corporate welfare queen
the man needs money to support his 12 bastard children