I decided to try some recipes with very distinct looks. This one is "Ektachrome EBX C41". I was using my Helios 44M with a focal reducer for these photos.
Recipe: https://piotrecipes.wordpress.com/kodak-ektachrome-ebx-c41-crossprocessed-x-trans-iv
#fujifilm #helios #ektachrome #streetphotography
Recipe: https://piotrecipes.wordpress.com/kodak-ektachrome-ebx-c41-crossprocessed-x-trans-iv
#fujifilm #helios #ektachrome #streetphotography
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"Kodak once made a more vibrant, saturated and contrasty version of Ektachrome. It used to get very interesting when cross processed in C41 chemicals. Crazy saturation, deep contrast and wild colour shifts."