Oralè Resister
Philadelphia is burning
And Pendejo Trump’s
ICE smashing through
Puerto Rican Restaurants,
Where Spanish is Spoken.
Puerto Ricans are
US Citizens! #PendejoTrump
#PhiladelphiaPlaneCrash #ICEHunters #PuertoRicqns
I suppose it's the people who put him in the WH knowing his personal character, listening to him talk, seeing what he does. Conservative, Republican voters in rural hamlets, small towns, especially in southern and central states, are sick f___s, and the biggest embarrassment in American history.
Philadelphia is burning
And Pendejo Trump’s
ICE smashing through
Puerto Rican Restaurants,
Where Spanish is Spoken.
Puerto Ricans are
US Citizens! #PendejoTrump
#PhiladelphiaPlaneCrash #ICEHunters #PuertoRicqns
Mocking someone with a disability should've ended T***p's mission to run for the highest office in our land.
Since it wasn't, what does that say about us?