Here's hoping that Ontario has a higher voting turnout than that paltry amount we had last time lol
Maybe Doug will FINALLY be kicked to the curb. I can dream.
Maybe Doug will FINALLY be kicked to the curb. I can dream.
I don't get it!!! I genuinely want to know WHY people vote for him!
I've unfortunately been surrounded by the Ford family since high school (Rob was out football coach and I declined to make election signs for him lol)
They're buffoons!!
I’m so sorry, that’s absolutely awful 😣 We need change!! I’m so tired of this 🙏🏼
I'm tired of it too! I'm sorry Suzie! 😭
No amount of his lies will ever get to me. I didn’t even know that he was able to run again after 2 elections?? But yeah I want him out 😔
One day!!