(6) Now I have a small garden of my own and my neighbor has a small farm in the city. He has had his pots out since last year, and he didn't pluck the plants out. In fact, he had tomatoes and chilli for as long as it was warm enough and the plants could still live.
(7)That man is very hard working too, and if he can leave his plants like that and it doesn't bother him, I guess there's no reason to prematurely take out a plant that is still fruitful at the end of the season.
(8) BTW our neighbor is such a sweetheart, he gave us pears and habaneros last year. I'm growing some plants from seed, if they're strong and healthy, I'd love to gift him some of the excess ones!
Your story reminds me of when I worked for a boss who turned out to be narcissistic. I remember when my therapist looked at me and said, “You know the work environment you’re describing is abusive, right?” I nodded, but than felt shock and validation when someone said it out loud.