Yes! I’ve read everything she’s put out so far besides Shallow River but it’s on my list to read soon too. I met her not that long ago at a book signing and she’s awesome!
That’s so flipping cool! I’d love to go a book signing. I’ve never been haha. What other books does she have? I’ve never heard of that one before. I’ll have to add it !
So she also has Phantom which that takes place from GiGi and Ronaldo’s POVs so it’s another spinoff from the cat & mouse duet like Where’s Molly. Same with Satan’s Affair it’s a novella from Sibby’s POV. The other one that’s not related to that universe is Does It Hurt? which was my first HDC book!
Sick! Thanks! Also, I had no idea that this was Molly…like THE MOLLY! Had no idea this was spinoff lol when she was talking about the journal I was like okkk! No shit haha
I liked Sibby lol haha