Maybe he’s right. Americans don’t want to live here anymore either — we are crossing the border in the other direction. One family in Illinois is currently seeking asylum in Canada.
Nathan Taylor from the Election Truth Alliance (ETA) discusses potential election result discrepancies on The Mark Thompson Show on YouTube. The ETA is a non-partisan organization! ELECTION WAS RIGGED
Did he ever attend school beyond grade 5? How can he possibly have graduated from Wharton? Seriously. Trump displays the character and the ignorance of an 8-year old.
Thank you...I cannot bear to listen to him anymore. It is insane that his cult members put this man into power. He can't even drive a car and isn't even "allowed to drive"- also his words apparently. That status predates his rise to the presidency.
Actually that makes sense - I’d get the hell out too.
Watch out 🇲🇽 and 🇨🇦, illegal immigration is about to increase to your countries
It's fucking magic!!!!
It’s like, infinity percent….
Wow if so.
And I apologize to all 8-year olds.