there's a thing I'll have to talk deeply about in the future and don't wanna blindside anyone and generally need to be more transparent about things, no idea how to do that elegantly so just gonna seed it now:
I am in the process of trying to save my career and I don't know if I will be successful
I am in the process of trying to save my career and I don't know if I will be successful
now some of you know I guess
I do not envy you that task.
This is ... kind of hell, isn't it?
The only way through is straight through.
Good luck, sir. I'm rooting for you!
That said, I know art feels frivolous at the moment, too.
I know it’s vital and yet my brain doesn’t want to see it as action.
Is this the time for a silly running gag?
Too late now.
Renegade Cut stopped doing overt political critique and pivoted to video games and TV. They seem happier for it, and they still get a jab at the system now and then. Maybe that's a path for you too.