Toward the end one of the Amnesty folks says "I ran into Cong. LaHood at a function...& he said 'do you know why I agreed to co-sponsor that bill? Bc you bugged me'."
As FDR told A. Philip Randolph of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters: "I agree with you. Now make me do it."
That's our job.
As FDR told A. Philip Randolph of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters: "I agree with you. Now make me do it."
That's our job.
Reposted from
Sanho Tree
Calling your reps is only the 1st step. This excellent old Amnesty International advocacy video gives very practical next steps for turning that call into a relationship. It also offers great tips on how to keep the pressure up until you get what you want. This should be mandatory for civics class.