After the election in 2016, I made the sincere decision to give him a chance because there are things that need to change in government and I hoped that something good could come from the experience.
Hopefully America will finally see the danger of money in politics if we survive this.
How could anyone have witnessed his first administration, then heard him during his campaign, and thought you needed “to give him a chance”? How much of objective reality would you have to ignore to cast a vote for this walking shit show?
I find it absolutely absurd that people really believe that America is the shining beacon of democracy around the world. Genocide in Vietnam. Iraq Afghanistan. Iran. Isreal. Korea The last 249 years right here. Until this very day &libs blame trump& musk alone for it all
Exactly 💯 so let’s rally and protest to every military base and recruiting office with our signs and demand our military fulfill their oath and their duty to protect the country and Constitution from this Russian infested take over.
To all the voters who elect & re-elect Republicans,
“Dolor et cruciatus tui intolerabiles et sine fine sint.”
“May your pain and suffering be unbearable and never-ending”
Treason is not loud, sometimes it whispers from the shadows, It hides behind slogans and wraps itself in the flag of one country while serving another. History has never been kind to traitors
"The year is 2028.The great experiment of democracy now exists only as a whisper, a half remembered dream from another lifetime. The Republic,as it was once known, is gone.In it's place stands something darker, colder. A husk of a nation, wrapped in the colors of a flag now more symbol than promise"
He's also a war criminal for pulling us into the Ukraine war on the side of Russia. IMO, he should be indicted as such, just like Putin. They should be sharing the same status. War Criminals.
Lindsey Graham flip-flops again—what a surprise. You bow to traitor Trump while he tears down our Republic. History will judge your silence. Speak up or be remembered as the senator who let it happen. Who scares you more—Trump or Putin?
Exactly, he’s not my president either, he’s really not anyone’s president because that mf didn’t even have his hand on the Bible being sworn in. Why? Because he knew he would be doing unlawful things as president. He’s not Ligit
If they control mail and the fec, elections will always mostly be Republican. They already dismantled parts of the vra and restricted voting in red states.
Start your own Kongaline, a resistance network that
Picks messaging
assigns members to write consistent messages (emails, text, social, snail) drowning GOP Congress rep
organize and assign members to harass GOP Cong in all open spaces.
Be relentless
Be loud
I chose Claudia Tenney
No president has ever been “my” president. They are not to be revered, loved, or respected while in office. They are to be harassed and tormented to ensure they are working for the people.
If they do that well, in retrospect, then we can respect them.
We are currently facing an urgent crisis. We would be grateful if you could consider boosting. Trans individuals are unjustly regarded as enemies of the state, and the urgent need for safety is evident as our shelters lack the necessary funding
When will Republicans put steel in their backbones and acknowledge their leader is a Russian asset known as Krasnov. Until they do, they are as complicit as Krasnov in the death and destruction happening in Ukraine. Will they remain traitors or will they finally turn against and impeach Krasnov? 🙏
He didn’t win legitimately. That feeling we all experienced the Wednesday after was our gut telling us something was very wrong, and it wasn’t just sadness because Kamala lost. She was absolutely robbed. We know he didn’t win all the swing states.
I’ll never understand why Kamala conceded so soon and that “win” was just accepted.
It never made sense. And now we are hanging in the balance because trump is owned by Putin and musk uses us as his personal piggy bank.
I'm afraid he is - it's called democracy. There's always North Korea if you like dictatorship, or recently UK / Canada / Australia / France etc - plenty of shit countries available
I’m asking Floridians to sign a petition to recall Rick Scott. He won’t hold town halls and won’t respond to constituents calls. I’ve called daily for a month and no one has ever answered.
It may not be constitutionally supported, but it can send a collective message.
Congratulations Mr D Trump! You must be very proud of being honoured with that title! BTW, It’s right up there with being the biggest arseh*le on the planet!
Exactly how I feel. He has turned his back on allies and has aligned our foreign policies with Putin and other dictators I refuse to accept that. 73 years on this earth it has been clear who wants to destroy America now we have a President doing it.
Your warmonger members in the White House are threatening military action against Canada! You must remove this criminal administration to prevent further escalation! #uspoli #cdnpoli #Never51
Yeah! Follow me so you can find more stuff like that. I’m one angry Irina against Trump. I don’t have many friends who are liberal who would agree with me.😨😡🤬
We all need to stand up and fight! He didn’t win the American vote, it was bought by Musk and the company’s he owns, Jeff Bezos Amazon, Meta=fb & instagram Mark Zimmerman! Trump sold his soul NOT MINE! I’ll fight till the end! We are the power! We are the proud people of America! Stand the fuck-up
He has committed treason so many times it is unbelievable. This pile of 💩 should be treated like the Rosenbergs were. There was far less evidence in their case...
PSYCHOPATH Trump (KGB Codename since 1987: Krasnov) has been PSYCHOPATH Putin’s bootlicker for decades.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
Russia is now on the inside.
Trump gave Putin the key to America.
Hopefully America will finally see the danger of money in politics if we survive this.
I find it absolutely absurd that people really believe that America is the shining beacon of democracy around the world. Genocide in Vietnam. Iraq Afghanistan. Iran. Isreal. Korea The last 249 years right here. Until this very day &libs blame trump& musk alone for it all
“Dolor et cruciatus tui intolerabiles et sine fine sint.”
“May your pain and suffering be unbearable and never-ending”
Please read, share and subscribe
You are all critics!
We just can't snap our fingers & Trump is gone!!
A-gent Krasnov.
A Big One❗️
He tells you what you want to hear, to shut you up.
Then moves onto the next thing he wants to do.
There are no rules, no laws, in his way.
The law, the courts may catch up, someday, maybe not.
He's a King.
Just sayin'
Menace to Society!
Clear and Present Danger!
And Lucy, you are one of the true warriors on Bluesky!
Thank you!!!
They rigged the elections.
Don’t believe me? Then don’t take my word for it.
From the assholes himself at approx. 2:20
Start your own Kongaline, a resistance network that
Picks messaging
assigns members to write consistent messages (emails, text, social, snail) drowning GOP Congress rep
organize and assign members to harass GOP Cong in all open spaces.
Be relentless
Be loud
I chose Claudia Tenney
He doesn't represent me!
End of Conversation!
If they do that well, in retrospect, then we can respect them.
While in office, they’re scum.
BS 🤬
It never made sense. And now we are hanging in the balance because trump is owned by Putin and musk uses us as his personal piggy bank.
It may not be constitutionally supported, but it can send a collective message.
Let me add 'TREASON'!! Try him in a military court. Evidence of overwhelming. Guilty.
#MAGAtGAWD #F_elon
knows every £¥il done by the
I never called him president because he was put in office fraudulently both times!
Slavi Ukraine! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.