Hyperbole is ineffective in political discussions. She doesn't actually say anything in the way of a solution.
She's rich, her fiance' is rich. She'll never know what it's like to need foodstamps or not have a nanny to care for her children should she have them.
She worked as a bartender and waitress after graduating college to help her mom fight off foreclosure of the family house. I think she "gets it," Melissa.
Hyperbole wrecks political statements. She offers no solutions. I would really like to hear what she thinks. She dates billionaires, maybe she could ask them?
It was in reference to your suggestion to Harry to commit an unnatural anatomical act. Did I get that wrong? Sounded like you told dude to go F himself without the profanity of actually saying so crassly.
Catch a train missed his. Is he baiting for a commie comment?
There should be a bottom that is comfortable and that anyone who wishes to advance themselves above, can do so. When a society allows a few to sequester so much of the wealth, that others have to spend every waking minute struggling......
She's rich, her fiance' is rich. She'll never know what it's like to need foodstamps or not have a nanny to care for her children should she have them.
She doesn't get it. She HAS it.
As soon as you can list some actual plans that "Progressives" have PUT INTO ACTION, I'll listen.
Seems like all you want to be is pissed off at windmills and boomers.
It's all on YOU now. Do something.
Walmart stocker...124 dollars for family of 3 food stamps monthly.
There should be a bottom that is comfortable and that anyone who wishes to advance themselves above, can do so. When a society allows a few to sequester so much of the wealth, that others have to spend every waking minute struggling......