Disinfo and propaganda from the right-wing noise machine, plus Trump lies about everything, and most Americans are about as gullible and sophisticated as puppies.
Lack of education, combined with arrogance and racism. Biggest whiners , greediest people who forget about the fight their fore Father's fought for freedom. Sad.
The real choy’s for poor people, is one who pretend they do not exist, or one who lies a lot but promise to change things. They obviously can’t understand politics but what can they do.
Hope this provide a new viewpoint. Lowe Kjetil 😊
USA are ruled by rich people and are getting more and more corrupt. Ordinary people are dirt poor, and many live on the streets struggling to find food. This is what is hidden from you, some of the crime you might have heard of. Politician’s only take care of the rich who pay them.
Hello. I will try to explain the best I can, not being English speaking. A similar thing happened in Germany after WWI. The people were left poor, and crime ruled. People’s choice was, starve to death or trye anything too make thing’s better. Hitler gave them food.
High level rashisti propaganda techniques have penetrator the low brow American segments (yes many are)...
They convinced these low brows to view America as very flawed, and conservative 19th century societal values needed to return. The potus is the perfect leader for them, but sees them as sheep.
Russian asset Jill Stein took enough of the margin of votes to tip the scales in key areas. A demographic of the USA is racist and misogynist and would never vote for a Black woman. Dems didn't vote. MAGA supporters vote against their own interests as well as many women, Black men and Latinos.
As a Canadian I'm also mystified, but I think it was fear: economic uncertainty (which Trump has only magnified), immigrants (who built the country), and the desire of the less well educated for a strongman to #makeamericagreatagain which as we know is going in the wrong direction.
It‘s exactly what the US voters elected to do. And now the whole world has to deal with it. Ukraine is offered a peace deal which in reality is a total surrender to putler.
mainly it was Trump's stance against illegal immigration ; Biden's seeming dementia ; and a general thirst for change -
aided of course by Trump's army of right wing media personalities (Fox News, etc.) all of whom gladly reiterate Trump's blatant lies & false promises as America's salvation
It was already clear in 2016 that Trump was working for Putler and that he had helped him in the elections. This time it was just Musk and Putler together!
This his what happens when a Russian Asset become the King of the USAR He turn the World up side down. until the military wake up and remember there oath if its still possible.
In Canada our elections are set and with a month or two we vote and it’s done … in USA all those rallies, music, over and over dulls their brains and they are hypnotized .. or that’s my opinion…. And do much misinformation is allowed. That how USA voted in Trump !
Also the are more politicized than Canada. Yes we may support a political party but we aren’t fanatical about it. Truly I think it’s because they are in a constant state of campaigns and voting and they never get a break to desensitize from it. Excesses of $ are spent on USA elections.
I once admired all of America. I thought they were educated & prosperous but that isn’t the case. Many don’t have a clue about the world around them let alone know the truth of their own history. many live in poverty or close to it. Not saying we don’t have our problems but not like people of USA
Trump faked it. People bought into his fake and propped his egotistical self up creating a monster! And now his followers are mesmerized by his lies and manipulations . They can’t or don’t want to see the truth or the light. If they did then they would have to admit they were wrong…. Ego ego ego
NAZI-ruzzia plans Nuclear Missiles Attacks on Poland and Germany after UKRAINE 🇺🇦 is BLACKMAILED BY NAZI TRUMP TO losing !
#UKRAINE 🇺🇦 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrVeGpGnWWs
NAZI-ruzzia plans Nuclear Missiles Attacks on Poland and Germany after UKRAINE 🇺🇦 is BLACKMAILED BY NAZI TRUMP TO losing !
#UKRAINE 🇺🇦 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrVeGpGnWWs
NAZI-ruzzia plans Nuclear Missiles Attacks on Poland and Germany after UKRAINE 🇺🇦 is BLACKMAILED BY NAZI TRUMP TO losing !
#UKRAINE 🇺🇦 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrVeGpGnWWs
Yeah, Warren, it's feeling war like to me too! America still hasn't figured out we're the enemy
As we cheer all our allies on many fail to recognize that there is a bridge coming up with a Big Sign that says ⚠️ ALL Americans to the Right ⚠️ FREE Nations to the Left
trump is SWITCHING OFF Cyber Safety of US Military Computer Networks FOR ruzzia do hacking and switching off US Missile Defence Systems to makeing that ruzzia do Nuclear Missile Stirkes against Poland and Germany ! Maybe ?! https://bsky.app/profile/kyivindependent.com/post/3ljepi3lhnc2d
trump is SWITCHING OFF Cyber Safety of US Military Computer Networks FOR ruzzia do hacking and switching off US Missile Defence Systems to makeing that ruzzia do Nuclear Missile Stirkes against Poland and Germany ! Maybe ?! https://bsky.app/profile/kyivindependent.com/post/3ljepi3lhnc2d
Someone picked him and made him what he is. I believe it was an FSB/KGB project. They perfectly knew the crowd behavior programming technologies and taught Trump it. They also studied Goebbels's teaching and took the best from it. They mastered democracy hacking in the process.
Also remember the role of Rupert Murdoch's media. It aided every political loss in the Free World that turned a political gain for Moscow. Brexit and Trump are literally Rupert Murdoch's products, which would not be possible without Murdoch's media influence.
Americans are complex people. Multi-racial, multi-national and compelled by various social ethics. There is the national, local and individual conscience at play. At the individual level compassion and sentimentalities are with Ukraine, the "underdog". We just don't like being taken for granted
it's the result of a breakdown of culture of #decency and #dignity, the take over of addictive #decadence ,the glorification of misbehav.,the loss of common facts+values, the surrender of media to pecuniary or power interests.
All easy hook up points for 🇷🇺subversion.
If 🇪🇺doesn't learn we are next!
Even people like Rubio, Vance and many many others who were once critical and outspoken of DJT back in the days are toeing the line. This is beyond weird. It is as if the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" took place. Fear is a powerful emotion that makes people do horrible things. Racism/immigrants
ru and china influence to cause many and various rifts and obfuscation so the people see things as "us and them". Religion, politics, gender etc to the point people just don't know where to turn and give up.
One quilty party is the mainstream media sane-washing Trump. Not really calling out all the insanities for what they really were. Out of fear and perhaps laziness.
But the biggest problem is the electoral system that allows only 2 parties. If you lose one, then there you are: One party system.
On the one hand, the confederacy never was properly destroyed. On the other hand, people used words like 'hope' and 'change' instead of articulating a reasonable and rational vision of progress. Come to find, we never really had a democracy, we just had some civil servants who did their job.
The political causes are both broad and deep. Cracks run back to the founding, the civil war, and reconstruction from it. Recent years have brought gridlock caused by our two party system. A system which doesn't allow for valid solutions to come to the forefront, causes its own failure.
Second to this. I spoke to the number of potential voters here. Without showing my position, I asked for their rationale before the elections. 3 out of 5 do not care about anything except the egg prices and mysterious threats of immigrants.
There was far too much focus on Trump and what an awful person this is (totally agree) and far too little focus on why so many American voters are so fed up with what they consider "the system" that they voted for someone like Trump. The Dems never managed to understand this sentiment of voters.
Disappointment. The gap between rural America and urban America grew too big for the Democratic party to handle. The bad campaign in 2016, was an alarm bell, but they didn't wake up. And Biden should have left the race much sooner...
This book is based on FACTS, not thoughts, this is true Journalism about how the millionaires seizing control over decades of manipulation & $$$. Trump is just a tool.
Here is the book & the author also has a great video on YouTube:
America has a large population of evangelical Christians who see Putin as an ideal leader. They want Trump as the American version of Putin who rules by decree. The reason they love Putin and Russia is because of Putin's war against LGBT people. They want to oppress the people they hate.
I'll describe it simply and easily! Turn on Fox news, then light a cannabis joint and continue like that for about 6 months daily, then you'll understand! 💛💙👍🇸🇪
Wrong--Harris offered true change, but she was a female, and a person of color--AND the elections was stolen by Musk-
you are not well informed end game.
Obama was a Male.
Notice I listed Female first-then a person of color.
There were millions of men, especially Hispanics who would not vote for a women-statistically recorded.
Then the racist kicked in, who many personally spoke to me about her being a DEI candidate.
Hillary lost too being female
Not sure where you live, but racism & sexism is extremely relevant at this time--look at all the state legislation against women's rights, Roe v Wade being just the beginning.
Why haven't we had a Female POTUS yet???
1. A whole lot of propaganda in nearly every piece of news media.
2. Gullible idiots that forgot about 1/6 (Among other things)
3. People who didn't want to vote for a black woman.
4. People who didn't bother voting at all.
The "how" is not very different to how Putin stays so popular in Russia.
Extortion. Enriching the elite so they support you. Fake stories and invention of threats. Media bribery and control. Getting the church on his side. Blaming everyone else when it goes wrong. Creating and exploiting division.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain
Not American, but as an outsider, my perspective is it happened due to repeated lies and propaganda from make majority (at the time) of Americans becoming short-sighted, stupid selfish Ahole, and they come up together and vote for state Duma 2.0.
How did Orban happen, and Fico? How did Putin happen? Interesting questions. The big problem is how Ukraine became democratic, and the USA not democratic at all.
I once had an American neighbor. At night he didn't turn off the lights, but left them on, all over the house, all night long. Why? He was afraid that "bad things would happen when it's dark". 50% of Americans believe in ghosts (or aliens).
Very simple: a society, where too many became too poor and disillusioned, without any hope, needed a change to that. Trump is just a symptom of a broken economy, an American dream turned into a nightmare for the ordinary man. Prices of gas, eggs, of survival, paved the way for a radical leadership.
1. Slavery
2. The Civil War
3. The end of reconstruction
4. Yadda yadda yadda
5. Trickle down economics
6. Citizens United
7. Rupert Murdoch
8. No Child Left Behind
9. Obama
10. ‘Low-information’ voters
NAZI-ruzzia plans Nuclear Missiles Attacks on Poland and Germany after UKRAINE 🇺🇦 is BLACKMAILED BY NAZI TRUMP TO losing !
#UKRAINE 🇺🇦 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrVeGpGnWWs
Part 2:
Instead of taxing the rich and redistribution of wealth accumulated through Globalism, they gave the rich tax breaks and fired government employees and reduced government services to get some money for their constituents. Classic example of Reverse Robinhood.
Exactly - turn a good, decent life for the ordinary man into survival and you get a society, where many will demand a radical change, no matter how and at what costs. Millions of Americans have been led into desperation. Just like Germany under the Weimar Republic. Then Hitler took the stage.
Democrats failed to hear and address the needs of millions of displaced workers that had lost their jobs to Globalism. Middle America was hit hard and an opportunist managed to become their leader.
See part 2
I have posted this many times.. Russel Vought (Now in government) here spilling the beans what Project2025 wants and he is getting it ALL via the exec. orders Trump keeps signing, mostly no clue what he signs or his narrow view and ego agrees with it. Steve Bannon the same.
If you have such a lunatic pumping things in yr head" yr the one and only, send by god" and make Trump believe or act like it, that no earthling OR constitution shall stand in his way then it explains alot of his behaviour. The shooter missing his ear, I think played right into that believe.
Hope this provide a new viewpoint. Lowe Kjetil 😊
They convinced these low brows to view America as very flawed, and conservative 19th century societal values needed to return. The potus is the perfect leader for them, but sees them as sheep.
aided of course by Trump's army of right wing media personalities (Fox News, etc.) all of whom gladly reiterate Trump's blatant lies & false promises as America's salvation
* Fox News, RW podcasters etc..
* Evangelicals against abortion, woke etc..
* Billionaires wanting tax cuts
* White supremacists
.. with vague promises of greatness.. without specifics.. delivered confidently, leveraging social media, led to Trump win.
trump HATE USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L5DAqpCxG0
As we cheer all our allies on many fail to recognize that there is a bridge coming up with a Big Sign that says ⚠️ ALL Americans to the Right ⚠️ FREE Nations to the Left
DOUBLE AGENTS INTO trUmp's regime and WAR 2025 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
trump is SWITCHING OFF Cyber Safety of US Military Computer Networks FOR ruzzia do hacking and switching off US Missile Defence Systems to makeing that ruzzia do Nuclear Missile Stirkes against Poland and Germany ! Maybe ?!
DOUBLE AGENTS INTO trUmp's regime and WAR 2025 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
trump is SWITCHING OFF Cyber Safety of US Military Computer Networks FOR ruzzia do hacking and switching off US Missile Defence Systems to makeing that ruzzia do Nuclear Missile Stirkes against Poland and Germany ! Maybe ?!
DOUBLE AGENTS INTO trUmp's regime and WAR 2025 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some American men are afraid of women that have power
so misogyny and racism was the mainly the cause, plus people not voting...
Here is an interesting DW document about it.
All easy hook up points for 🇷🇺subversion.
If 🇪🇺doesn't learn we are next!
Please; I am so sorry. For. All. Ukraine's. Sufferings. Putin, & now 'Trump.'
My answer? - Power...Corrupts.
Humans are *HELPLESS*, to it's unquenchable need. To Divide. To Break. To Crush. To Kill.
The Earth, is FREE. But we build - CAGES.
Freedom Can't be Owned. It. Is. LIFE.
Money changes everything in America
Also multiple investigations seem to be saying Millions of Kamala votes were not counted, somehow
But the biggest problem is the electoral system that allows only 2 parties. If you lose one, then there you are: One party system.
That’s it.
Here is the book & the author also has a great video on YouTube:
you are not well informed end game.
Notice I listed Female first-then a person of color.
There were millions of men, especially Hispanics who would not vote for a women-statistically recorded.
Then the racist kicked in, who many personally spoke to me about her being a DEI candidate.
Hillary lost too being female
Why haven't we had a Female POTUS yet???
1. A whole lot of propaganda in nearly every piece of news media.
2. Gullible idiots that forgot about 1/6 (Among other things)
3. People who didn't want to vote for a black woman.
4. People who didn't bother voting at all.
As an American, all these reasons bite.
Extortion. Enriching the elite so they support you. Fake stories and invention of threats. Media bribery and control. Getting the church on his side. Blaming everyone else when it goes wrong. Creating and exploiting division.
― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain
saw his first (disgusting) term and wanted more.
Electoral Democracies usually fail -- Only 8 are over 100 years old (CAN, FIN, ISL, IRL, NZL, SWE, GBR, USA).
We just *knowingly* elected an Authoritarian.
A fair chance this'll end badly.
And fake media propaganda.
2. The Civil War
3. The end of reconstruction
4. Yadda yadda yadda
5. Trickle down economics
6. Citizens United
7. Rupert Murdoch
8. No Child Left Behind
9. Obama
10. ‘Low-information’ voters
Instead of taxing the rich and redistribution of wealth accumulated through Globalism, they gave the rich tax breaks and fired government employees and reduced government services to get some money for their constituents. Classic example of Reverse Robinhood.
See part 2
#Russia #PutinBS #TrumpBS #MuskBS #RussianTerror
#DumpTrump #MuskRat #MuskGrifter #Trump #Musk
#Putin #Rubiotic #P.HackSaw #JD.DisatVance #T.Gabbird
#Zelenskyy #Ukraine #UkraineVictory #GloryToUkraine
#SaveDemocracy #MRSA
Moderate voters who leaned conservatives figured the first term wasn't terrible, except for COVID which was very bad luck
Trump also straight up lied about Project 2025