Es ist beeindruckend wie sichtbar weltweit argumentative Kartenhäuser zusammenbrechen, von wegen „Kapitalismuskritik an Soros, Wallstreet, Goldmann-Sachs“ sei doch gar nicht antisemitisch. Jetzt, wo weltweit der brutale Massenmord an Juden legitimiert, ja gefeiert wird, ist alles offenbar.
Hey Igor, I live near Berlin and removed a spray painted Star of David near our house just yesterday. This post is important, so I broke it down and generated Alt-Text, so our impaired sight and blind friends can read it too. Thank you for sharing this.
In the end they got sucked in to defending a death cult.
That is what Hamas is.
Since a sunny day in Texas, decades ago, we sadly know how to handle such dangers.
But then Hamas shot up a rave.
They brutally massacred ravers.
Ravers on a rave are kind people.
Inclusive. A feeling of equality.
The pinnacle of liberty.
No raves? Not my country.
Then the other news trickled in.
I‘m done with silence.
I am happy to with that.