If i died I‘d want to be known as someone my friends, family, and students know they could trust and confide in.
Many of us are scared and its fine to admit that. Many of us who are alone are terrified and its fine to admit that too.
Be a rock or a light or a beacon for yourself and for others.
Many of us are scared and its fine to admit that. Many of us who are alone are terrified and its fine to admit that too.
Be a rock or a light or a beacon for yourself and for others.
Mom talked about growing up in segregation. My brother talked about me and my dog and barked instructions riddled with worry.
Some of it misguided but from a good place.
Lastly, Willow gave me a focus.
I need to think and to focus on me a bit further. I need to plan and i need to regroup myself while still living.
My weakness has always been spreading myself too thin. But at least this time I caught myself before it happened.
Middle school rough.
Fighting inner demons kind of rough
Havent felt that in a LONG time.
I didn’t like revisiting it… but I’m glad it happened because it reminded me of what I become when I lock myself off nearly entirely.
If that analogy makes sense.
Especially if you know whats coming your way. Learn how to listen to and trust your instincts to know when something is what you know it is.
You know they hate you already & wont fix their own hearts so live & spite them in defiance.
Find the ppl you know who have YOUR best interest at heart and protect one another. Escape if you need to.