Oh awesome!! I would do scenic shots of places I travel to. Never been huge on pictures of myself or people, but landscapes I loveee. What kind of camera do you use??
Omg! I never saw this! I'm so bad at social media nowadays😂 I mostly do architecture, landscapes and animals as well💛✨️
I shoot film tho, so analog💛✨️📷
My main cameras are a 1975 Minolta SRT 303b and a 1953/55 Minoltaflex III 🥰✨️ i have a photo of them on my photography account on here as well💛
I shoot film tho, so analog💛✨️📷
My main cameras are a 1975 Minolta SRT 303b and a 1953/55 Minoltaflex III 🥰✨️ i have a photo of them on my photography account on here as well💛