The DNC aren’t why Bernie lost. He only won, on average of Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi, 21.83% of the vote in the Southern primaries, in both ‘16 and ‘20. The highest was in Florida, at 33%. You don’t rig those type of numbers.
The blame is on the complacent who believe someone else will take care of it. It is time for we the people to instruct how our government needs to be run. There are more of us than them. We just need a serious organizer and leader.
You are blaming the wrong org. It's Republicans and Russia the planted that in your brain. We have to stick together to get thru this, not shit post on our orgs. Please stop and unite. After we get out of this then you can go back to bad mouthing ourside.
Electing safe politicians. Bernie was a threat to their stiff standard and they are afraid of transformation. The fear of stepping outside the box has kept them stagnated.
It’s not an all or nothing critique of the dem leadership. They ignored the broader Bernie bros movement and didn’t figure out how to incorporate them and pushed them into the arms of Joe Rogan and now Trump.
So true! In no particular order, Citizen's United, Dent, Atwater, Limbaugh, Stone, Bannon, Norquist, Reed, Levin, Hannity, Ailes, Carlson, Robertson, F Graham, Patel. Dirty tricks and lying to the poorly educated.They perfected their game and here we are! So many more involved.
That's the problem with the DNC. It's never had any idea how to effectively counteract Reagan,Citizens United, Rush Limbaugh. The DNC has been outmanuerved by the RNC for 45 yrs.
Looking back it is easy to say that. Few, not me, saw the long game the right was playing. I realized it in the W years. Bush and Cheney leaned into the religious right much deeper and harder than Reagan… then the religious right took over the party.
I get that. But the Democrats didn't enact protections against or try to reverse measures that Republicans have been implementing over the years, ceding more and more ground. Even now they are not being loud or obstructive enough!
I couldn’t agree more. The Republican playbook was wide open for everyone to see. the democratic establishment treated the Rs like the loyal opposition. They have not played by the rules for 40 years. The constitution is to be followed only when it serves them.
And yet we have all sat watching the implosion. I think we are all guilty of letting this happen. We can put blame on people but it’s our responsibility to let the elected officials know that enough is enough. Our voices need to be so much louder. The clock is ticking!
It’s coming. It is always easier to tear something down than to build or protect. Trumps actions are proving to be incredibly unpopular with many who voted for him. He had to disavow P2025 while running for a reason.
It is happening! So many people are coming out and speaking about it. His base is shrinking daily. In the meantime it’s time to organize on a much broader scale and to keep voicing our concerns to the elected officials. The pressure cooker is turned up!
We need a strong voice within the party. I believe once we decide or better yet, when that person decides to be a leader then the revolt will be powerful. There are so many groups wanting the same thing we need to become one boisterous voice!
Agreed. That person(s) will present themselves. Part of the D’s mistake, since Obama, was anointing leaders based on tenure vs good old fashioned retail politicking. The old guard is not up to the task. They have no idea how to play the attention game. They have failed to define their opponents.
Exactly! They have wanted to maintain the status quo, reminds me of being conservative in a way. They have been afraid of making changes and now we are where we are.