Their thirst for unlimited and uncontrolled power trumps everything else, including compassion and morality. The electorate was warned repeatedly, but chose to not give a shit.
Sincerely, I look into a person's eyes and think they are lovely. People are lovely. Mostly. Except maga. But you find out fast with them cos they want to rub your nose in their bullshit.
My brother who is not a vet, but gay, we have a lot of gay friends who are vets, are they going to stop treatment as well? Therapy? Psychiatric Appointments? Medications?
Who knows. The administration is effectively working in a media blackout. Fingers crossed we get a lot of fed judges halting this insane trash panda style of "leadership"
Every suicide (because unfortunately we know the happen) must be shoved down his throat. Make every GOP Senator own this, make every Trump supporter own this.
I just can't comprehend.
I hope your family is safe. 🌷
I don't think you can underestimate the pig-headedness of people
Sincerely, I look into a person's eyes and think they are lovely. People are lovely. Mostly. Except maga. But you find out fast with them cos they want to rub your nose in their bullshit.
Anyone else, though.
Our veterans are going to DIE because of this.