even though damon didn't see it coming, I'm definitely like "oh yeah of course it would be this guy". moment i saw aymeric i thought of cid ffxiii and knew i was fucked
If you treat Hope’s actions as those of a closeted teenage trans girl and find away to make vanille’s accent listenable, it’s a very good final fantasy game.
And lightning is still probably FF’s best main protagonist (although Terra also very good)
hope i don't like for very dumb personal reasons but maybe I've grown past those lmao. xiii is one of my fave final fantasies, even though i didn't finish the last chunk LOL
Oh, I only like hope because he gets better in 2 and LR, and if you see her as a traumatised trans girl (he’s the only “man” with a male eidolon🤔) his shittiness feels more… comical? he is very annoying otherwise.
Snow I don’t like, but neither do any of the other characters so that’s nice.
Honestly, super pumped and respect for you for getting to it and finding new found love for that discipline! With that said, yeah I can TOTALLY understand haha
And lightning is still probably FF’s best main protagonist (although Terra also very good)
Snow I don’t like, but neither do any of the other characters so that’s nice.
Mine is a somewhat minor character who’s mostly only in one exp pack, but oh god it could be worse
An oldie but goodie that will be appreciated here (probably spoilery): https://www.fanbyte.com/ffxiv/features/what-your-favorite-man-in-ffxiv-says-about-you