I do think the objections to audiobooks sound like objections to Ozempic insofar as many embrace the idea that things need to necessarily be hard, and that making things easier is cheating
Books are coming back so I think a postmortems this attempt to kill the kindle then audible so we can have Barnes and Noble back which has seemed to work. I’ve had an ocular disorder most of my life. Audiobooks are reading.
Reading is the best way to retain information. Audiobooks will never replace the feeling of being lost in a book, running your own imagination, creating the characters and their voices, being immersed in the story, and losing track of time. Reading gives you the best experience
So two main objections to this, one essentializing the visual component as a distinct cognitive experience another just arguing semantics. Study always given in arguing "SCIENCE proves this" defeats the first objection while not including "listening" as "reading" https://www.jneurosci.org/content/39/39/7722
But it feels like a stretch to say i read the movie.
"Listening to an audiobook is reading. I know what happens in the book, don't I. I know what happens to all the little guys"
I never knew that if someone told me a story, WITH HIS MOUTH, that I was reading.
Dummy me always thought I was listening.
Be glad people want to enjoy a story or better themselves in whatever form it may take!
One reads the words. One listens to the words.
The end result is that both experience the book.
Due to failing eyesight, I only do audiobooks now. I still get the story even if it is told to me instead of me reading the words.