5 favorites/tags
Food: Menudo
Season: Summer
Drink: Coffee
Color: Blue
Show: (A few) ATLA, H2O: Just Add Water, MHA
Food: Menudo
Season: Summer
Drink: Coffee
Color: Blue
Show: (A few) ATLA, H2O: Just Add Water, MHA
Reposted from
Amy New (shop 🔗n bio)
5 favorites/tags
Food: anything sweet, red bean buns are my current favourite snack.
Season: fall
Drink: lime bubbly water
Color: Green
Show: Star Trek (just all of it can’t choose)
Don’t wanna tag anyone, join in if you want.
Food: anything sweet, red bean buns are my current favourite snack.
Season: fall
Drink: lime bubbly water
Color: Green
Show: Star Trek (just all of it can’t choose)
Don’t wanna tag anyone, join in if you want.