(author: doggtism) I’m tired of bigots saying homosexuality and being transgender isn’t “natural” so here’s a thread of examples of queer behavior in animals 🧵
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(author: doggtism) Keep in mind that I am using anthropomorphic terms to describe these behaviors in order to help explain things in a more “relatable” fashion. Animals, again, don’t have the same level of self-identity that we humans do!
(author: doggtism) Black swans often form homosexual pairings. Two males may steal a nest and form a temporary threesome with a female to produce eggs. Once this happens, they then drive the female away and raise the young themselves.
(author: doggtism) Macaques are often considered “bisexual,” engaging in courtships with both the same and opposite sexes. These pairings are often monogomous, and extend beyond sexual behaviors to things like grooming. Scientists speculate that same sex behaviors are simply “fun” for them.
(author: doggtism) Clownfish can change their sex. Clownfish groups are often led by a female, followed by a male as second in command. If the female leader dies, the male will often change its sex and become the leader.
(author: doggtism) American bison bulls will help each other out pretty frequently. Females only mate once a year, and when the mood strikes, the “bros” sometimes give each other a hand (or a hoof?)
(author: doggtism) Male lions are known to engage in a little “bromance.” 2-4 males often form a group called a “coalition” where they work together to court females. However, to ensure loyalty and bond with one another, they often are observed having frequent sex with each other.
(author: doggtism) Giraffes are gay, quite gay. In fact: homosexual pairings are observed much more than heterosexual ones in certain populations. These giraffes “flirt” by rubbing their necks together, this “foreplay” can last for hours. Though some of this may be dominance-related as well.
(author: doggtism) Please note: homosexual behaviors are evident in animals across nature, however, animals do not have the same sense of personal identity that humans have. This thread is not meant to protect human ideas onto animals, but simply to demonstrate that these behaviors are “natural”