New post! Frequently Asked Questions about US Government Funding for R&D.
Short answers in the thread, longer answers at the link in the replies.
Short answers in the thread, longer answers at the link in the replies.
The US government spent ~$160bn on R&D in 2022, about 2.6% of government spending. As a share of GDP or federal spending, federal support for R&D has declined for decades.
About 75% of R&D spending is split roughly evenly between the Department of Defense and Department of Health and Human Services (mostly NIH). About 75% of the rest is split between the Department of Energy, NASA, and the National Science Foundation.
Averaged across govt, the private sector, and non-profits, the ROI is probably about $5.50 for every dollar of R&D, if you focus only on GDP. If you put a dollar value on other benefits of R&D, I think $11 is reasonable.
There is some suggestive evidence that the ROI of all R&D has declined since the early 2000s, though it still remains the case that a dollar of R&D probably generates several dollars worth of economic growth benefits.