We had two black belted Dutch rabbits (not both at the same time) and they were great. They were each trained to thump when they needed to go to the toilet, and we'd put them in their hutch, and they'd do their business. They do like to chew, though, don't they?
When I was a kid, my family had four ferrets and one of them was diabetic. He took his insulin orally and the method to give it to him was to lift him by the scruff of his neck for a few seconds until he "yawned" and empty the syringe into his mouth. I wish more pets had a similar yawn button.
That's a unique method π Do ferrets reflexively yawn when held by the scruff of the neck? i'd be worried ixd accidentally shoot it into their mouths while they breathe in and they get the liquid into their lungs πππ
All the others did the same thing l, so I think it's something all ferrets do. There wasn't much risk of aspiration because it went into their mouth and they would swallow like normal, then just go back to "yawning" after a few more seconds.