My upstairs neighbor has a cat tower in their window where their gorgeous, long-haired calico can always be seen. Every day I watch people walk buy and point upwards with a nice smile on their face. They get so excited over the kitty!
we had a tnr group drop a particularly friendly cat at our place- he's been a beloved part of our family for over half a decade now. We like to think they saw our chonky, happy, window cats.
I always say “catinawindow” when my wife and I are walking and I see a cat in a window. I hope the human residents never think we’re snooping or being creepy.
When out on my postal round in the evening delivering parcels if I see a cat I go “Ey up cat” in some bizarre acknowledgement of a fellow member of the night time economy .
When I first moved to my place, Beau and Cooper were so excited by all the animals outside (having moved from an apartment) that they lived in the front window. I had the sweetest elderly gentleman who got so excited every time he walked by. If he hadn’t seen them, he asked if they were okay.
years ago, one of my cats had a fairly substantial fan club consisting of elementary school kids from down the block. they’d wave to him sitting in the window and so on. then we also realized he also had a fan club of club kids heading home at 3am lol