Sony's Spiderman Universe would rather crash and burn while doing as much damage as possible to the MCU than to sell Spider-Man's IP back to Marvel.
I have this feeling that the reason why Paul exists is to basically devalue Spider-Man's brand so that Sony would have no choice to sell at low price.
I have this feeling that the reason why Paul exists is to basically devalue Spider-Man's brand so that Sony would have no choice to sell at low price.
So yeah I think the reason why modern Spiderman comics is just Peter Parker torture porn is to basically lower the brand's value.
He literally seems like just a random dude, and nobody who has mentioned him has told me anything about him other than that he's in Spider-Man comics and they don't like him
I'll watch some of it but just give me a small tldr of who Paul is and why he's in Spider-Man and why he sucks
Again with you fucking comparing one pop culture thing I've never heard of with another pop culture thing I've never heard of expecting me to get it ;w;
He's like Donald Duck's cousin and also arch rival at winning Daisy.
I thought they were just partnered a lot
Earth 616 Peter is just fucked