I just heard your lead in and I can't believe you thought this president would be a president for all people at this time and rise above his petty grievances at this time. I'm listening to him talk. How could you have believed him capable of that?
Also, I can't believe you said that politicians rose above politics in response to the California wildfires. They're talking about conditioning aid to California in a way that has never been done before.
Ask him if he thinks this is the apprentice and remind him it does not have to fire a competent FAA director. Ask him why he does not have a cabinet that seem to know anything about laws and role of Congress...or start with where is the fucking constitution on the White House website?
Stone: I'm deaf and had to skip the briefing (no ASL back then), so I read the report
tl;dr: what a waste of time getting a few seconds of video at this briefing is
What's he gonna say more than what NTSB has shared.
He's going to throw red meat.