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Just dissapointed from peoples who live in great democracys and praise ruzzian shithole communism! But still give not up the hope. Just fighting for truth and democracy.
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Good Morning 😃 U inglorious #NAFO 🦊 🤪 basterds soon in our Swedish flying machines fighting for democracy!

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - Patton🪖 Its now or never Europe 🇪🇺 stand up for yourself rearm & fight! 
 #NATO-1 +🇺🇦
#Gripen ✈️🇸🇪

Am deutlichsten erkennt man, dass Selenskyj kein Diktator ist, daran, dass Trump sich ihm nicht zu Füßen wirft.

UK can take out Moscow in less than an hour. Europe can destroy the USA as well. Every major city and one nuke on Yellowstone. Fuck what Trump says or wants! The dictators have to understand that their countries will get nuked if they attack Europe.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is not a dictator. He is a champion of democracy, freedom and truth.

We are abandoning an ally that is trying to defend itself. An ally that we promised to defend. What have we become? 💔 😔

#EuropeUnited 🇺🇦

Die FPÖ steckt eine Menge Geld in eigene Medien- und Rundfunkstrukturen. Aber Moment mal: Ist das dann nicht genau der "Staatsfunk", vor dem uns rechte Parteien immer gewarnt haben? 🤔 Oder gilt so eine Warnung immer nur al Einbahnstraße?

die Putinbots kommen sucht nach der Phrase: Die Politikverdrossenheit hat einen neuen Höhepunkt erreicht, und das könnte fatale Folgen haben. mit der suchfunktion und munter drauflosblocken (ausser mich jetzt natürlich 😂)

Nun sagt auch Google „Nein“ zu Faktenchecks. Ein Schlag ins Gesicht der EU – und ein Freifahrtschein für Desinformation. Während Tech-Giganten wie Google, Meta & Co. sich immer mehr aus der Verantwortung ziehen, stehen wir von Mimikama bereit, wo andere versagen. 💪

Liste die jetzt seeeehr viel länger ist:

Es sei „mit diesem handfesten Skandal enormer Flurschaden entstanden“, so der Verbandschef. „Dass dies offenbar auf Initiative und Druck eines Mitglieds des Aufsichtsrats entstanden ist, erschüttert zudem den Grundsatz der redaktionellen Unabhängigkeit.“


Big oil is a planet killer. This makes me so happy. I love Biden. 💙 🌎🌍🌏🌎🌍🌏🌎🌍🌏

It’s Daily Fella time. Read about Putin freeing more prisoners, Fico’s expensive getaway & Orban left out! Plus where’s Ukraines Patriots?!! FFS! #DailyFella #DailyFellaNews #SlavaUkraini #NAFO


Happy Birthday, General Budanov! 💙💛 Budanov rocks and so does this video. 😜

I would literally trust some shady startup founder with one too many SSN digits with security clearance before I trust this guy

#NAFOArticle5 @ termebelda ATTN: #Fellas fluent in Spanish Dis vatnik account claims to operate from Madrid. Posting disinformation and gaslighting Ukraine defenders. Very proud of their Soviet/Russian university education. Posts in ENG and ESP. Poss. mult acct runners like spetznaz007 on X.

“Adrian Dittman” is Elon Musk, let this tweet sink in.

Musk fördert rechtsautoritäre Politik, weil es ihm nur um seinen materiellen Vorteil geht. Das beginnt mit dem Hass auf Gewerkschaften. Wer Mitbestimmung mag, muss die AfD bekämpfen.

This is what your power plants look like when Russia is your neighbor.

Take a look at latest offering. Some eye opening analysis of the truth. #BringtheKidsHome #SlavaUkraini #GeorgianFreedom #VPDFO #NAFO

Every airline should cancel routes into Russia after they shot down an airliner, then tried to make it crash in the water to cover it up

I can’t understand why Canada and Greenland don’t want to become a part of the US.

Eine kleine Weihnachtsgeschichte Vor 20 Jahren verliert Friedrich Merz seinen Laptop. Es wird gefunden und zurückgegeben, von einem Obdachlosen. Friedrich Merz bedankt sich, indem er ihm ein Geschenk überbringen lässt. Sein Buch - signiert. Wählt nicht Friedrich Merz!


Azerbaijani media claims that the downed plane, which was denied permission to land on Russian territory, was specifically redirected to Kazakhstan in the hope that. "The ship will not make it, it will fall into the Caspian Sea, all witnesses will die and thus all traces will be hidden."

🇧🇾⚡️🇦🇲 “Well, what if we don’t have a TV for your remote speech?” The Armenian PM announced their delegation won’t travel to Minsk for next year’s EEU summit, opting for video participation instead. Lukashenko: “We’ll consider your proposal.” Pashinyan: “There’s nothing to consider.”

Kill and hide. Azerbaijani officials tell media that Russia hit flight J2-8243 with a missile and then jammed electronics and denied permission to land, steering the damaged plane into the Caspian Sea so that it would crash there and Russia’s role would never be discovered

Have you ever noticed that a person who has nothing, will help you faster than a person who has everything.

Vermummte Nazis prügeln Linken Politiker:innen krankhausreif, Polizei nimmt Personalien auf und lässt die Nazis laufen. Ganz normal in einer ganz normalen Demokratie.

This image looks like something out of a science-fiction movie. It's a star-forming region. At the heart of this cloud of gas and dust (3 light-years long!) stars are forming. This nebula is in the Carina constellation, 7500 light-years away. #Astronomy

Could you please REPOST this?👇 Thank you in advance!!! ❤️👊 #NAFO #Fellas 🇬🇪🇪🇺 #GeorgiaProtests

Heads up #NAFO

Russia: Azimuth Airlines violated safety regulations 20 times this year and skipped required maintenance according to the government regulator. In 2024, their fleet of Sukhoi Superjet-100 had 150 technical failures according to media reports alone.

Dear world, stop turning a blind eye to Kherson! The russian invaders are making their drone safaris even more evil. First, the drone drops small iron hedgehogs to puncture car tires. When people step out to repair them, the drone then bombs them. #Ukraine #RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWarCrimes

Millionaires and billionaires would be perfectly FINE not getting salary for 33 days, or even 333 days. The average American, folks like you and me working paycheck to paycheck, would not. Do NOT let billionaires make decisions for US. PASS IT ON.

If we're America First, then turn them off.

⚡️🇺🇦Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter intercepts 🇷🇺Russian kamikaze drone Shahed 136
