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UK based woodworker and artist 🇬🇧🪵🎨 Mostly Pokémon but some Zelda, mario and Digimon too Commissions open, DM if interested
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Digimon duos Here we have the champion levels of Matt and Tai's Digimon Garurumon and Greymon from the original Digimon adventure series Then we have the twin Digimon Terriermon and lopmon, first seen here as part of Digimon the movie as wilis' Digimon #digimon #terriermon #lopmon #garurumon

The last Digimon for my dijanuary project this year garurumon, the digivolution of Matt's partner Digimon Gabumon. Part of the original digidestined group from Digimon adventure 01 and in clear competition with Greymon for the favourite of many #garurumon #digimon #digimonart #digimoncommunity

they digivolve so fast my Digimon then and now #digimon #lopmon #betamon #magnadramon

Familiar like my mirror years ago #pokemon #pokemonart #kawaiiart #pokemongo #pokemoncommunity #pokemontcg #gaming #videogames #shinypokemon #pixelart #pixeldex #commission #woodworking #wood #handmade #woodart #gayman #gaybear #pikachu #snorlax #slowbro #shuckle #dragapult

Something different! A Tornado Step from Kingdom Hearts 2! 🖤 #kingdomhearts #kingdomhearts4 #squareenix #heartless #sora #finalfantasy #clayart #3dart #art #fanart #gameart

The fourth wooden pixel Digimon in my dijanuary project 2025. I was so excited to get to create the digivolution of the iconic agumon, greymon #digidestined #digimonadventure #digimonart #digimonartist #digimoncommunity #agumon #woodworking #pixelart #pixelartist #8bitart #8bit #greymon

Some of my most recent wooden pixel artwork Pokémon, Who's your favourite? #pokemon #pokemonart #kawaiiart #pokemongo #pokemoncommunity #pokemontcg #gaming #videogames #shinypokemon #pixelart #pixeldex #commission #woodworking #wood #handmade #woodart #gaybear #gayman #pikachu #shuckle #gloom

Some of my most recent wooden pixel artwork including both Digimon and Pokémon, Who's your favourite? #pokemon #pokemonart #kawaiiart #pokemongo #pokemoncommunity #pokemontcg #gaming #videogames #shinypokemon #pixelart #pixeldex #commission #woodworking #digimon #guilmon #delibird #jynx

Some of my most recent wooden pixel artwork specifically my Digimon Who's your favourite? #digimoncommunity #gaming #videogames #commission #woodworking #wood #handmade #woodart #woodworking #digimon #lopmon #terriermon #guilmon #greymon

The third wooden pixel Digimon in my dijanuary project 2025. As a suggestion I made terriermon, I love when I get to use the natural pine wood as large sections of the body and his mostly wood colour body really shines #digimon #digimonart #digimoncommunity #terriermon #woodworking #pixelart

The second wooden pixel Digimon in my dijanuary project 2025. As a suggestion from another app I got to make lopmon, my favourite Digimon, this is my second lopmon but the first time I have rendered these in colour #digimon #digimonart #digimoncommunity #lopmon #woodworking #pixelart

The first wooden pixel Digimon in my dijanuary project 2025. As a suggestion from a follower first up is the dinosaur Digimon guilmon from Digimon tamers. #digimon #digimonart #digimoncommunity #guilmon #woodworking #pixelart

Everything I made in the year 2024 A range of Pokémon, Digimon, kingdom hearts and Zelda art to keep me busy through my year, I think this has been the best year for my wooden pixel art and I am so pleased with what I've made, let me know which one is your favourite #pokemon #digimon #zelda #kh

Art v artist 2024 This year I settled into a greater level of coverage for my wooden pixel art including Pokémon, Digimon and others #art #artist #artvsartist #artvartist2024 #gaybear #pokemon #pokemonart #ninetales #magikarp #digimon #sora #kingdomhearts #zeldaart #gannon #shuckle #eevee #gayman

Something a little different, not Zelda but D&D! My currently Dungeons and Dragons Character, Sanguine the Vampire. I did a simple sketch but thought it would be a good excuse to get some portait practice in! #dungeonsanddragons #D&D ##wizardsofthecoast #vampire #baldursgate3 #fanart #gameart

Handmade wooden pixel Pokémon 124 - jynx A group of this Pokémon are Santa's helper in a now banned episode of the pokemon anime so I thought they were a great pick for a holiday time Pokémon. #pokemon #pokemonart #pokemoncommunity #pixelart #woodworking #jynx

The complete golbat generation 1 line These wooden pixel Pokémon, golbat and zubat, made using pine wood and acrylic wash side by side. The only two available in the first generation of Pokémon. #pokemon #pokemonart #pokemongo #pokemoncommunity #pixelart #woodworking #golbat #zubat

Wooden pixel Pokémon 044 - Gloom #pokemon #pokemonart #kawaiiart #pokemongo #pokemoncommunity #pokemontcg #gaming #videogames #shinypokemon #magikarp #gyarados #pixelart #pixeldex #commission #woodworking #wood #handmade #woodart #woodworking #pikachu #oddish #gloom

Handmade wooden pixel Pokémon Pikachu This wooden pixel Pikachu is based on the following animation from Pokémon yellow made from Pine wood cut into cubes, reassembled, sanded and stained #pokemon #pokemonart #kawaiiart #pokemongo #pokemoncommunity #gaming #pixelart #woodworking #pikachu

Wooden pixel Pokémon - Shuckle this worm rock Pokémon is my favourite and I am so grateful to be able to create the underrated bug rock Pokémon for someone to love. #pokemon #pokemonart #kawaiiart #pokemongo #pokemoncommunity #pokemontcg #pixelart #woodart #woodworking #shuckle

Linktober 2024 day 25 - Ganon I've already shown this monster off once but wanted to show the scale of my latest wooden pixel project in my hands #linktober #linktober2024 #zeldauniverse #zeldacreators #zelda #legendofzelda #loz #breathofthewild #botw #lgbt #lozbotw #zeldaart #artistsoflegend

Linktober 2024 day 25 - Ganon This hulking behemoth of a wooden pixel project is the evil Ganon from a link to the past. #linktober #linktober2024 #zeldauniverse #zeldacreators #zelda #legendofzelda #loz #link #lgbt #lozbotw #zeldaart #artistsoflegend #woodworking #ganon

Linktober 2024 day 13 - Link The hero of time and the triforce of courage, #linktober #linktober2024 #zeldauniverse #tearsofthekingdom #zeldaart #zelda #legendofzelda #loz #breathofthewild #botw #windwaker #link #lozbotw #gameart #zeldaart #nintendoswitch #artistsoflegend

Here is me and my favourite piece I have ever made and the first piece I made for myself. Wooden pixel Sora from the game series kingdom hearts #gaming #handmade #woodworking #gayman #gaybear #gay #sora #kingdomhearts #kh

Here is me and each of my wooden pixel artworks July to september of 2024, #pokemon #pokemonart #gaybear #gayman #gay #pokemoncommunity #woodworking #link #zelda #zeldacommunity #gengar #eevee #gaybeard

The first wooden pixel project I have made for myself. Here is my Sora from the kingdom hearts series, a deeply personal video game series to me #kingdomhearts #sora #keyblade #disney #finalfantasy #squareenix #playstation #retrogaming #woodworking #kh #heartless

Wooden pixel Pokémon - Eevee My handmade wooden eevee made using hand cut wooden cubes reassembled into the shape of the sprite, sanded down, painted with acrylic wash to bring out the wood grain. This was part of an art swap #pokemon #pokemonart #pixelart #woodworking #eevee #eeveelution

Wooden pixel Pokémon - Gengar This is the fourth gengar I have made since starting this project, really shows the popularity of this Pokémon and I can see why people love them so much. #pokemon #pokemonart #pokemoncommunity #woodworking #gengar

It’s been a hot minute, I’ve been crunching on a last minute custom order for the holidays! #woodworking #art #handmade #fish #craft #animal #scrollsaw#carving #creative

Wooden pixel heart container from the legend of Zelda A wonderful little piece of wooden pixel art from the classic Zelda games #zelda #woodworking #commission #legendofzelda #zeldacommunity #zeldaart #zeldatearsofthekingdom #link #linktober #nintendo #gaming #heart #love #valentines

Here is me and some of my wooden pixel Pokémon made between the months of April to June of 2024, these include a wigglytuff, zubat, golbat and oddish #pokemon #pokemonart #gaybeard #gay #pokemoncommunity #gayman #gaming #videogames #gaybear #handmade #woodworking #golbat #zubat #oddish #wigglytuff

Here is me and some of my wooden pixel Pokémon made between the months of April to June of 2024, these include a normal magikarp and shiny magikarp #pokemon #pokemonart #pokemoncommunity #gaybear #gayman #gay #shinypokemon #pixelart #commission #woodworking #magikarp

Wooden pixel Pokémon 043 - oddish My handmade wooden oddish made using hand cut wooden cubes reassembled into the shape of the sprite, sanded down, painted with acrylic wash to allowed the wood grain to shine through. #pokemon #pokemonart #gaming #pixelart #woodworking #pikachu #oddish #gloom

Wooden pixel Pokémon 042 - Golbat My handmade wooden Golbat made using hand cut wooden cubes reassembled into the shape of the sprite, sanded down, painted with acrylic wash to allowed the wood grain to shine through. #pokemon #pokemonart #pokemoncommunity #handmade #woodworking #golbat

Wooden pixel Pokémon 041 - Zubat My handmade wooden Zubat made using hand cut wooden cubes reassembled into the shape of the sprite, sanded down, painted with acrylic wash #pokemon #pokemonart #pokemoncommunity #gaming #handmade #woodworking #zubat #golbat #crobat

My completed evolution lines for ninetales and jigglypuff The natural wood of the ninetales being the base colour I think worked really well #pokemon #pokemonart #pokemoncommunity #gaming #shinypokemon #pixelart #woodworking #vulpix #ninetales #jigglypuff #wigglytuff

Wooden pixel Pokémon 040 - wigglytuff #pokemon #pokemonart #kawaiiart #pokemongo #pokemoncommunity #pokemontcg #gaming #videogames #shinypokemon #magikarp #gyarados #pixelart #pixeldex #commission #woodworking #wood #handmade #woodart #woodworking #pikachu #wigglytuff #jigglypuff

Here is my completed shiny magikarp, the prize for my giveaway last year #pokemon #pokemonart #pokemoncommunity #gaming #shinypokemon #magikarp #gyarados #pixelart #woodworking #giveaway

Commission time!! This handmade wooden pixel Pokémon, magikarp was commissioned by long time supporter and friend #pokemon #pokemonart #pokemoncommunity #gaming #magikarp #gyarados #pixelart #commission #woodworking

Are you team Ho Oh or Lugia? #pokemon #lugia #hooh #pokemongoldandsilver

Breloom made out of Pokemon cards. #pokemon #breloom #pokemoncards

Here are the wooden pixel Pokémon and Digimon I have made from January to march of 2024. Including some that I think might be my best #patamon #digimon #roselia #tailmon #gayman #digimon #gatomon #gayartist #gaybear #digimonart #ninetales #gay #pokemon #angewomon #pokemon #pokemoncommunity

Wooden pixel Pokémon 038 - Ninetales This wooden pixel Pokémon has been one of my absolute favourites, not only is it an amazing Pokémon, the kitsune inspired ninetales, the elegant fire fox. #pokemon #pikachu #pokemoncommunity #ninetales #pixelart #8bitart #pokemonart

Wooden pixel Pokémon 315 -roselia The thorn Pokémon Roselia recreated in wooden pixels as part of a commission. The range of colours on this one really turned out beautiful and this rose pokemon really shines #pokemon #pokemoncommunity #roselia #pixelart #8bitart #8bit #pokemonart

Sometimes with my wooden pixel projects I have to create maps to help me make them. Here are some pixel grids containing sprites from Digimon pendulum, these are angewomon, gatomon or tailmon and patamon. #pearlerbeads #pearlerpattern #pearlerbeadpattern #angewomon #digimon