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The good: I finally bought some good quality beard balm and it actually smells nice and doesn't aggravate my asthma/fragrance sensitivity. The bad: Nostrils happen to be situated mere inches above my beard, so this is all I'm going to smell anymore.

Macro March huh? Here's some oldies but goodies I dug up: a couple by Genki Wolf/Hyena and one by Hoodah.

[Non-specific horny writing talk] Decided to start putting my efforts into writing instead of drawing. Yes it's a hobby that ensures you get 99% ignored in furry fandom, but I actually enjoy it a lot. Wrote a rough draft a few days ago of some horny ideas I was having, bit over 1k words in […]

Feeling like I don't really have a place in any communities I'm in anymore. Admitting that my attempts at being an artist have gone nowhere for 20+ years have made that feeling very present and raw. I almost preferred total solitude and being married to my self-loathing over the limbo of being […]

Wish I knew how to change emojis, dunno if these are from Windows 11 itself or just Firefox but they're just really awful now. Like, the "woozy" one looks like its mouth is a fake mustache and it's doing Dreamworks Face.

Now that I'm at around 6 months into no drawing aside from a few halfhearted sketch attempts, I'm starting to wonder if I should even bother forcing myself to start drawing again. I just genuinely don't feel like it, doing music and audio stuff has been way more rewarding. I think it's pretty […]

Random game design idea: At the end of a JRPG, have bonus content (e.g. a fireworks display) based on how many elixirs and megalixirs and other high value consumables you saved up the whole game and never used. That way you get *something* out of them.

Mood has been off the past few days, I think it might be from going on a diet. Been eating way less junk food and actually letting myself become hungry between meals. Think it's a pretty reasonable assumption that it might make me feel out of sorts for awhile as my body adjusts to not having […]

A couple of people who I'm following on Bluesky recently followed the Bridgy account there, but I can't find their bridged account here on Mastodon. Is the Bsky->Masto part of it not working right now or something?

I've always been interested in playing music but struggled to find something that really worked for me. After spending just under a week with my new hammered dulcimer, it really feels like I've found 'my instrument' after all these years. I just get totally absorbed in it and it's so enjoyable […]

Want to work out new character idea... do not want to pick up stylus and attempt drawing.

Kind of hate how I've lost all spontaneity I used to have in communicating. Constantly overthinking things, editing a sentence for several minutes to sand off all the rough edges fearing it might offend people or that I'm not getting the idea across perfectly, deleting messages anticipating a […]

Just had my first doctor's visit in almost a year, and damn I've gotten seriously fat over the holidays. Weigh scale was over 330. Gonna need to go on a diet and exercise more.

Squaredle is 1.5/6 difficulty today but I can only get like 4 words...

Got my hammered dulcimer in today, needs to be tuned but it's been so much fun to play around with. Can't wait to learn it properly.

Feeling a bit annoyed at how many Bluesky only posts I could be seeing here if people just followed the bridge account. It takes literally zero effort.

Just did a second playtest of my card game prototype with a few friends, I had fun and others said they had fun too so that's promising! (Reminder that if you have Tabletop Simulator and want to help playtest, just let me know)

After years of waffling, decision fatigue and cold feet, I finally ordered a hammered dulcimer from Songbird. They have a trade-in policy where you get 100% of the value applied to a more advanced/expensive model if you send it back within 2 years, not having the pressure of finding the […]

Anyone else have phases where you view your furry character as being either more typically "anthro" with overall human-like proportions, or more like a wild animal that stands on two legs and talks? It makes pinning down a character reference even harder, that's for sure.

RIP David Lynch. His work left a big impression on me and countless others.

Been stuck on "I wish I had character references so I can maybe commission art again" for about 2 years now and still don't have any references drawn. Reference sheets are hard and my mental capacity to keep in regular drawing practice is too sporadic for me to do one. Already getting the […]

Currently working on a Tabletop Simulator prototype of a card game idea I had recently. Here's the overview: Card game where players are dealt cards with words on them which they use to create character concepts, with a rotating Judge (like AtA or CAH) who picks their favorite concept […]

"Full wolf moon", where there's a completely full wolf the size (and shape) of a moon. Or at least that's how my dumb brain is interpreting the phrase.