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One of the founders of the Yimby movement in Stockholm, Scandinavia, and the world! Views expressed here are personal ones. Day job: Database Engineer, primarily […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
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Före detta riksdagsledamot (Fp) lånar ut pengar till sin egen skolkoncern (äger 64,1 %) för att köpa nya bolag och tar 12 % i ränta. Så kan man flytta skolpeng utan att det syns i resultatet, samtidigt som bolagets omsättning ökar (absolut inget olagligt, bara ett exempel).

Hey you people who design web sites for governmment bodies. Do not divide the list of job ads into 25 or 50 whatever by default. It makes it difficult to search through them with the brower's native search function. #webdesign

Keep ‘em coming Via Kyle Griffin: The ACLU is suing the #Trump admin to stop the transfer of immigrants to Guantanamo Bay. The suit alleges the transfers are "arbitrary and capricious" and violate federal law and the U.S. Constitution, citing the Administrative Procedure Act and the Fifth […]

On this, the eve of _Flow_ taking home an Oscar, I want to note that Blender exists in its current form because after Ton Roosendaal spearheaded writing it, released it as freeware, had his company dissolve, tried developing it as shareware, had the company developing it go bankrupt, and built […]

Dags att vi börjar satsa mer på järnvägen istället för massbilism. #svpol #jarnvag #tag

Country whose currency is the world's reserve currency: we need a stockpile of fake currencies because who knows what could happen with the world's reserve currency

🤷🏻 Musk viciously attacks Favreau for amplifying a story about DOGE cuts now wasting food for poor kids we already paid for — turns out he was right.

FLASHBACK — HAYES: A massive crypto “heist” by Trump/Elon/Thiel/Sachs/GOP in front of our faces, on the taxpayer dime💰 Also: why can we afford $100 Billion for this but not other stuff? (Answer: They don’t really care about the debt) Full:

This is 100% accurate.

A heist in broad daylight. Hundreds of billions, with no benefit to taxpayers. All while pretending we are broke and slashing health care and food for the most vulnerable. Robin Hood in reverse.

vi borde för länge sedan stormat & ockuperat migrationsverket. 👊

In London Metro


Someone, no idea who, may be leaking information to Russia on weapons shipments to Ukraine.

As Trump slashes programs for regular folks (because “wE’rE BroKe”) he is insisting on spending billions on a crypto strategic reserve which will only help enrich himself and his oligarch donors. A heist in broad daylight.

"Att påstå att vi är beroende av techjättarna är mer av en fix idé än en faktisk realitet" Källa: Citatet är @axbom som försöker hjälpa DN:s Kristofer Ahlström hitta rättare sociala medier, och inte falla tillbaka och återaktivera […]

Your Sunday feelgood story. 🌞

Observations: 1. My time poking around facebook has shown me how many people manage to make social media a positive tool and means of staying connected and organized despite the software often working against this. 2. To propose that social media be positive and useful is to insist it’s and […]

Senator Murphy: “The White House has become an arm of the Kremlin.”

Wow, Guardian article says that the UK has a lot of undercover police officers who seduced women and also fathered children with women they met while undercover (infiltrating political groups). Gross […]

Att dra ner medicaid och sparka skogsvaktare för att köpa crypto och sänka skatten för de rikaste är ju ett sätt att snabbspola den här resan mot undergång, det får man ge honom.

JD Vance Gets Trolled on the Slopes: Protesters Greet Him with Brutal Signs:

Current flu season is a 15-year high. Several children have died. News reports haven't indicated in all cases whether the children were vaccinated or not, but I have seen some of the reports noting children who were not. #Flu vaccine doesn't necessarily prevent infection, and may not prevent […]

"Labour must recognise the state’s crucial role in the green transition. BP’s retreat from renewables proves private firms can’t be trusted to phase out fossil fuels."

The latest cover of French magazine "Le Point": Reads: "The Man from Moscow" "Putin & Trump, an alliance of predators."

This is the most important comment I have heard this week — Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk: “500 million Europeans are asking 300 million Americans to defend them against 140 million Russians […] Europe, if there is something we lack today, it is not economic or demographic power, but […]


Halldoras bror dog i Sveriges första skolskjutning 1961. Som en följd av det utbildade hon sig till läkare och säger som det är: "Det är billigare att bygga familjecentraler än att bygga ungdomsfängelser" […]

More and better than I was hoping for. Starmer is doing everything right, and it might be an advantage at this point that the UK is not in the EU, so he can lead from the outside. The big question now is if he can get Trump on board. He's actually saying the same thing Zelensky tried to say in […]

Kanske menlös spaning men att Trumpadministrationen idag på många sätt i sina kommentarer om Ryssland, Ukraina etc låter som gamla Kpmlr-gubbar är lätt förvirrande.

No. Tesla stock is the Ponzi scheme Tesla is valued 4X higher than Toyota—so Elon doesn’t get to use that word Social Security is a transparent system that benefits millions. Fixed it for you.

🇬🇪🇪🇺 #GeorgiaProtests Day 95

It is really very simple. Putin does not fear NATO (he has lived with it in Turkey for decades and knows that it is a purely defensive alliance), he hates the EU for spreading the idea of democracy and the rule of law (even if imperfectly) Silicon valley hates the EU for attempting to regulate […]

Skriver väl här med: Jag behöver ganska akut byta bort vår 4:a på Vita Björn, Bangatan, Majorna, hyra 14500 och skulle helst byta till en bra planerad 2:a eller 3:a på max 10000 i Majorna (dock viktigt med balkong enligt mina tre katter) och en 1:a på max 6000. Om intresse finns hör gärna av er.

No intelligence on Russia? Why? Why is US intelligence ops against Russia being stood down ahead of the sit-down with Putin, instead of being increased in intensity as per the usual protocol, even with sit-downs with allies? The reason is that they don’t want proof of the treason. #TraitorTrump

"Public investment" vs "Wasteful Subsidy." The only problem with this clever Singer cartoon is that some people might actually not get that it’s sarcastically illustrating the incorrect perception problem, NOT telling the truth. Just in case it actually needs to be said, the truth is the opposite.

The Execution of the Doge, by Delacroix, 1825. He was beheaded for attempting a coup d'etat. Apropos of, you know, absolutely nothing at all.

"Det måste bygga på att det finns en amerikansk back-up, att det finns amerikanska säkerhetsgarantier. Det måste bygga på att det finns strukturer som är trovärdiga för detta, säger Kristersson" - vadå måste? ska vi lämna Ukraina annars? förfan karl! Kavla upp ärmarna och jobba lite. Lyssnade […]

Vad ska man lyssna på om man vill ha en podd som analyserar politik och inte det politiska spelet? Känner bara hur allt kommenterande är ännu mer alienerande och mest riktar sig till redan insatta. Lyssnar såklart redan på Balans 🌿

I think now more than ever it is important to organize and fight for #democracy and #freedom and against #disinformation and #fascism. A great way to do that is to join and connect with NAFO. One way to do that is to follow my starter packs, like this one: Fellas of the North | #NAFO Nordic