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šŸŒ±šŸ„ šŸšŸø multispecies ethnography šŸŒæethics of care šŸŒ urban gardens šŸ› urban natures šŸ–ŒļøšŸŽØ drawing and photography as research methods Helsinki āœˆļø Latvia
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Ņemot vērā lielo donoru atsaucÄ«bu, Valsts asinsdonoru centrs izmēģinās reizi mēnesÄ« strādāt sestdienā. Donori tiek gaidÄ«ti jau 22. februārÄ« no plkst. 10.00 lÄ«dz plkst. 16.00 Sēlpils ielā 9, RÄ«gā, kā arÄ« 29. martā un 26. aprÄ«lÄ«. VADC aicina atsaukties visu asinsgrupu donorus, Ä«paÅ”i O-.

CfP:Common, Disregarded, Marginalized: Exploring New Perspectives in the Anthropology of Plants šŸƒšŸ„€šŸ‚šŸŒ±šŸŒæšŸŒŗšŸŒ»ā˜˜ļøšŸ€ Academic conference, 7 May 2025, University of Gdańsk Please spread the word and join us in May! šŸ€For more details follow the link: *limited funding available!

Pēdējos pāris vakarus paplaÅ”inu apvārŔņu un eskeipoju, tādos rabbit hole lÄ«meņa brÄ«numos kā ne-algoritmiskās apziņas izpratne Stuart Hameroff pētÄ«jumos un bioelektriskie lauki Michael Levin darbā, kas varētu fundamentāli mainÄ«t Ä·ermeņu pārveides/ārstÄ“Å”anas paradigmu #mindblowing #escapism

Note to media Stop saying these are peace talks. Russia, a terrorist state, invaded sovereign Ukraine in 2014 w the intention as they stated to eliminate all Ukrainians & steal lead. They are committing genocide & can stop the war at any moment by getting the hell out of Ukraine

Probably most beautiful day this winter ā„ļøā„ļøā„ļø

Tiem, kas Trampa infantÄ«lisma, stulbuma, brutālisma un haosa Ä£eneoloÄ£ijai spēj un vēlas veltÄ«t ļoti maz laika, gÅ«stot zināmu izpratni (diemžēl truli Å”okējoÅ”u), labs ieskats (kaut gan dramatizēts) ir filma The Apprentice

Smuks treileris šŸˆā€ā¬›

Interesanta vizualizācija. Tomēr, Ŕķiet, krāsu izvēle, vadoties tikai pēc skaitļiem neatspoguļo patieso zaudējumu proporciju katrā valstÄ«, Latvijā, uz pusi

Our new paper, based on data from 1,705 studies, shows that pesticides are toxic to organisms they are not intended to harm, including fungi, microbes, plants, insects, & vertebrates such as ourselves. Questions the wisdom of applying over 3 million tonnes of them every year...

kad divi ziemeļnieki satiek dienvidnieku #bodylanguage

Some of these articles have been out for a while - including mine! - but the Cambridge Prisms: #Extinction special issue 'Extinction Studies across the Disciplines' is complete! Find the introduction + articles (all OA!) here: or drop me a line for the full PDF

Feels like weā€™re all trapped in an endless Black Mirror episode where the worldā€™s worst human beings literally conspire to kill every last one of us.

The part of George Orwellā€™s 1984 that everyone forgets is how the music and publishing industries have been replaced by a machine that spits out songs and bad novels ā€œwithout any human intervention.ā€ The goal is to keep you from ever having to think.

soli pa solim ASV izstājas no pasaules #USxit