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Historian of Media, Fake News, and Propaganda. Author/Co-Author of ELIOT NESS AND THE MAD BUTCHER; SCARFACE AND THE UNTOUCHABLE; BROADCAST HYSTERIA. History PhD Candidate at Princeton.
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“The only thing that counts is the right to know, to speak, to think — that, and the sanctity of the courts. “Otherwise it's not America.” —Edward R. Murrow

Here’s the backstory of what you see in my profile picture:

Just imagine, hiding from performance review meetings with your bosses.. That's was GOP members are doing

NYT, probably: In a sign of shifting opinion Rep. Barrett held a town hall where participants lavished praise upon Trump

Seems like MI-07 might be a good place to hold an *actual* town hall, where people can voice their *real* concerns… How about it,,,,,, et al.?

Michigan Republican seems to be screening his constituents for a tele-town hall.

Seems my Republican congressman (Tom Barrett, MI-07) won’t face his constituents except by tele-town hall. Sign up on his website, they said, and they’ll send you the number. My household signed up—never got a phone #. Neither, it seems, did *a lot* of other people.

71 years ago tonight, Edward R. Murrow broadcast a landmark TV report on Sen. Joe McCarthy. But as I argued last year in, the mythology surrounding this broadcast obscures the real lessons Murrow left us about journalism can better serve democracy.

Once upon a time, we had a Hollywood studio that made gutsy, socially conscious films that were also entertaining and profitable. And we could have one again, as shows, if the industry remembered its history…

I didn’t watch tonight’s big speech, but the response from Sen. is exactly the message we need right now. Reminded me why I’m proud to be from Michigan (and why I still believe in America).

In case you’d like to watch the Democratic response speech tonight without seeing the opening act:

I’m no fancy political strategist, but it does seem like Democrats should make a bigger deal of the fact that Congress could vote to reclaim its Constitutional tariff power from the President (and maybe avert a global depression).

I owe Al Capone an apology.

The new GOP strategy for handling outraged constituents:

I have long been a defender of this film—and the reflexive hatred of it has always puzzled/annoyed me. Glad to know I’m not alone.

I genuinely appreciate how Senator, while learning the ropes of the Senate, is helping all of us understand the institution a bit better:

As someone in the same boat, I prefer to think of it like method acting.

Post a female character that you love

“Don’t join the book burners. Don’t think you’re going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed. Don’t be afraid to go out and read every book…” —Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Dartmouth College, Jun. 14, 1953

Excellent piece from my pal about the continued relevancy of McCarthyism in our media saturated climate.

I do miss the days when Super Bowl Sunday meant watching a new episode of DOWNTON ABBEY (like a real man)