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20 • AuDHD • Acespec I draw, sometimes….and ramble abt FFXIV lore (‼️ 7.0 Spoilers ‼️) If you see me ingame feel free to say hi! -pfp by my bestie tysm 🫶🫶🫶
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Rikha is the type of person who looks like they don’t care and is super begrudging about everything she does to help most people but in reality she cares way, way too much but doesn’t know how to properly express it lol 😭😭 poor girl’s doing her best

Rikha would probably still be a doctor working in uldah, maybe having a couple sparring matches in the coliseum on the side honestly…the only thing that got her out of there was the fact that her son wanted to see the other city-states and explore, and from there she discovered the joy that was WAR

Here's one that might stump all of you. Who/what would your character be if they weren't the WoL? As in, what if the discount WoLs took to doing the story. Because if you didn't know, my Fairy Boy, isn't the WoL, and this happened in my headcanon. #wolquestion #wolqotd #FFXIV

Canonically speaking she’s a WAR main who heals on the side, I really can’t see her doing any sort of dps job just because of the lore I’ve written for her to date. Being a protector/supported of some kind is critical to her

Another day, another #wolqotd / #wolquestion This time, it's not about MSQ, I just want to know, what's your character's canon class or job?

What is your WoL/OC's color palette? Show me those pretty colors! 🌈 (Bonus: Are the colors purely aesthetical choices or do you associate them with something?) #wolqotd

Rikha doesn’t have much in the way of super defining colors but I’d say red and green! Fire and Bug are the only really good options but since her fur can look brown/orange at some point maybe Ground as well?

♥️ #WoLQuestions #WoLQoTD 🖤 Pick two colors from your WoL / OC's design. Match the colors to Pokémon types and share what either Pokémon types your WoL would use or if they were a Pokémon which types would they be? For example I'm red/black, so fire and dark type ♥️🖤

Definitely more catlike mostly just ‘cause she’s a cat lol…but there are lore reasons as well I promise!! Rikha is very stoic and (outwardly) inexpressive as a person due to the environment she had to grow up/live in for most of her life, any signs of weakness were usually taken advantage of so -

#wolquestion #wolqotd Does your wol(oc) act more cat like or dog like?

Oohhhh fun question…on the selection screen her opening line would be something like “My axe is yours”, behavior-wise she would probably be more subdued and focused (aka avoiding mechs pretty reliably). She has the strongest bonds with the twins so more often than not she’d be talking to them -

#wolqotd if your wol/oc was an avatar in the trust system. how would they behave. do they have a special title? interact with the other avatars?

Rikha is great with kids! As much as she tries not to acknowledge it children are her biggest weakness but (fortunately) it hasn’t been exploited…yet. It’s pretty obvious though since she drops her stoic demeanor to try and be as friendly and unthreatening as possible whenever she interacts w them

related to a character bingo i just filled out, is your character good with kids? are they a favorite uncle/aunt type or do they not like them? #wolqotd

Rikha is very quick and light on her feet when she’s not in combat, otherwise she sounds like a raging bull bc she’s not paying attention to the noise she’s making lmao

Ok fam I got one What do your WoL/OC's footsteps sound like? Are they quick and sharp, do they say ter, do their big boots thud? Tell us! #wolqotd #ff14

Very, VERY often. The only thing that stopped her from doing exactly that was the thought that if she didn’t do something, the people she cared about would be at risk. In her mind that was unacceptable so she chose to continue on carrying her burden, no matter the cost or the strain it put on her

#wolqotd did they ever consider quitting?

I made this cause a lot of the character templates didn't speak to me much lol Fill this out if you'd like for a #wolqotd ! I also made it as a written-only thing for those who wanna add alt-text to the template or just post the text instead!!

Storms are very comforting to her since she grew up around them, so as a result she has a tendency to try and find a quiet place to sit and watch it pass. The more severe ones she knows to avoid but besides that she’ll probably brew some tea and sit somewhere to watch and listen

#wolquestion #wolqotd What does your wol(oc) like to do during a stormy day?

Rikha is very, verrry well built due to the meticulous training she put herself through. She was already pretty toned due to her escapades in the bloodsands but after becoming a warrior she only got more muscular…for obvious reasons I think lol

Ironically Rikha did fight in the Coliseum for awhile after her original move to uldah, and made decent money as a doctor/healer but the reward money she got on the side fighting paid way better than the work she’d done in the time she’d spent there. So she’d usually go there during her spare time

#wolqotd your wol has been thrown into the blood sands of ul dah who are they fighting in the finals and do they win?

I think sage and ast are both something I want to learn but cant wrap my head around, I’m learning sch currently and enjoying it but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to play ast competently 😭😭 it just seems like way too much to keep track of

For the players, #wolqotd Is there a job in ffxiv that you like the vibes/aesthetics/idea of, but just can't wrap your head around/get behind the playstyle? And the inverse, is there a job you understand/are good at, but you don't vibe with the job fantasy/looks of it?

Rikha chooses not to remember her birth parents and instead only reminds herself of the hanuhanu couple that raised her, both of them were very sweet and accommodating to her and her needs after adopting her in her early teens and she considers them to be her only real parents as a result

totally not related to a recent comic i posed: how does your character feel about their parents (and by extension, family)? #wolqotd

IM LATE BUT LIKE …. I dont have any good ingame images of her (inadequate sobbing)

She used to draw with her son before he hit his tweens but she was never very good at it, she only does it now to tease alphinaud and say she can do better than him even though she can’t

#wolqotd / #wolquestion Can your wol / oc draw? Or do they not have the best artistic skills?

Oohhh definitely either torchic or riolu!! Both very spirited with lots of fighting prowess, plus some heavy loyalty as a bonus :]]

#wolqotd if your wol/oc was sent into the world of pokemon mystery dungeon, which pokemon might they find themselves as? (will link a quiz below for those needing a bit of help :,D)

Rikha definitely prefers to be alone. She’s a kind of broody and silent person by nature who doesn’t talk much unless she feels the need to so she feels more comfortable around less people, not that her duties as a wol let her 💀

#wolqotd / #wolquestion Does your wol / oc like the company of others or do they prefer being unnoticed and by themselves?

Rikha can’t sleep laying down no matter how hard she tries so usually she has to find a comfortable sitting/leaning position and settle…she’s slept alone for almost 2 decades since losing her son but she does make sure to always be near the twins if they’re adventuring together

#wolqotd How does your WOL/OC sleep? Are they comfortable sleeping alone? Do they snore? Are they a bed hog? Hot or cold at night? Do they dream or have nightmares? Do they have certain conditions to be met so they sleep soundly? Do they have routines or habits for bedtime?

As of Dawntrail Rikha is ~42, she was around 35-36 when she first moved to Eorzea and has been there ever since

#wolqotd / #wolquestion Your wol / oc’s age? Do they look younger / older than they actually are?

Guys guess what

Strawberry cheesecake..,,.

For a woman that used to drink a lot she can’t handle her alcohol very well at ALL. At one point after recovering from certain injuries in endwalker she went drinking with some of the scions and got all but blackout drunk two beers in

Dragonfruit! A very fascinating and cool-looking fruit that (allegedly) tastes extremely boring. No reason I just think she’d like it

Rikha’s ears do a lot of the talking for her expression-wise, her face is normally pretty stoic and mean-looking lol