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Anthony Acri is a cartoonist, illustrator and a social critic, in the terms of Croce or Vidal, who lives in the suburbia of Pittsburgh Pa, with his sister and brother and are all that is left of a family of Italians who had coddled and both warned him.
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no one listens to me, but, when i got pieces about anti Conan comics published in two actual magazines, i sort of knew before anyone that Joe Biden and pope Frenchy would be gone.

the only thing that could make this crumbling of the curia any better was a dying pope. happy new year, 1300, the last time Dante showed us a two headed papacy was the work of a demon. like ma said, signora Fortuna wipes the table clean.

ALL I KNOW IS THAT SCINE I WAS A KID, I HEARD ROME fell over drag queens and bureaucrats and now, that's all the democrats have left. we miss you Mario. but then i's pushing for Kammilla to bust Newsome into bits.

this was a cesspool too good for Mario Cuomo, Micheal Dukakis and Geraldine Ferraro. so, follow trash like and right into New Sicily, with less well built ruins.

all i know is that since I was ten i heard that drag queens and bureaucrats were the end of Rome. now that is all the dems have left. we miss you Mario Cuomo, who cried for someone other than the brother in laws of the principate, transvestites, and middlebrow typists.

When I was 15 I won an essay contest, believe it or not, over “Germanicus”, I think, and won a prize of a copy of the 200 best essays on the twentieth century. Inside that was The twelve Caesars by Gore Vidal, who was warning us about Joe Biden and general electric seen eons back then.

the only thing i thought that could make this morass that Bidey has left this garbage in better is if the barbarians started smashing their statues...cause this cesspool was once too good for Mario Cuomo.

Hmnn, burnt out homes and no water, I love when things go Tacitus...ask Tyberius, my go too all along, what happens when the fountains at Capri went dry #romans

Isn't it funny that old man Bidey, old man Tyber himself and his gummmadi are upset that their Roman tour was canceled over some stinking fires, that may or may not have been started by the Christia—sorry beloved immigrants. i guess somewhere signora Fortuna is saluted by her devotee Bill...

Hmnn, burnt out homes and no water, I love when things go Tacitus...ask Tyberius, my go too all along what happens when the fountains at Capri went dry.

And a high point for me of the year, easily was getting a real and not comic book magazine to publish an essay called "Free Conan" by me, about how awful that comic pulp always seemed to me, told calling it Hitler's Tarzan may have put it over the top.

I saw where some woman artist at the post is quitting rather than have a cartoon censored, well, too bad toots, welcome to Biden land. I did win an award once for a cartoon where Roman Bill was in black suit and roman sash , surrounded by a gross of cans marked worms, holding a can opener.

And so this self same feast of the two faced god, I thank them all for having again shown me that when one sells their soul, as ma told me, even Satan is more trustworthy than any wayward democrat. Thanks to the Franciscans nuns I cant make it clearer than that.

cant find my twitter x page, after a saturnalia season of ignoring most of the submittable ads and such that are either come ons, or if indecent, the middlebrows telling themselves how good they are, ...but it is inculcated in me by Jesuits, laugh at typos, but was taught out of Cattilus 64.

my favorite assessment of dreaded Tolkien is from his friend, who had to stand up for the floating rock and said, There's nothing in Tolkien that i didn't see in Ariosto first.

I come to bury Carter not to praise him, as I met him when was a ten year old impressing Jesuits with papers called Abe Lincoln: Sulla of America. saw it cost 100 million dollars at least to repair Noter dame. Saint Francis would have been so proud.

i dont think any papal clemency would have seemed this awful if it wasn't done by some hack cretin who voted for every crime bill that came down the imperial pike.

and now James Carvell wants a full audit and accounting to know where the hell all those balloons and ducets went thanks to that drunkard broad spending as Capote said, like a Puerto Rician transvestite. the Roman republic strikes back. always nice to see democrats parrot lines that Reagan gave.

and too i have seen Bideys cockeyed clemency before, no not when he sided with Bush over willie Horton, but when he made sure that Oliver North wasn't put under anything like an oath..

of course i was here posting roman supermen long before the Hollywood leftists who are now white knuckling their way through another trial that looks like it was written by Petronius...

never trust anyone whose SYBILLINE BOOKS ARE THE LATEST POLL NUMBERS...they didn't slash my salary at war inc. this is what happens when political diatribes and homilies are interrupted for station identification, and beer and antacid commercials...

Father Saturnalia was a first holiday man to give out whippings to the little rancid creeps who killed kittys all year long. 487 views while watching the Cowboys scratch one pop said The tongue goes to the tooth that you busted the worst.

i think i liked you better when you were using and misappropriating Roman and Italian history to make your shitty little space movies, to say nothing of Alex Raymond. even as a kid, i always thought even Sejanus didn't deserve this...

there has always in Roman and Italian tales always the drunkard or the idiot who laughs uproariously at the swells and the devoted who cry when seen preening at the opera.

This is a submission of a found mss from the age of CAPOTE rebound during the dower days of new York in that planned demic, whose Savonarolas may be about to pay serious pipers, as the found scratched up, faded manuscript is an attempt started by me in 2018.

the senate is turning...and i can think of no better Roman end for them all than that. According to Dante, all empires are doomed by the caliber of trash that think themselves patricians with no legitimate 12 tribes birth certificates. when Bob Casey and Baldwin make commercials lauding Trump--run.

Cink, Cank, Cunk. Like I said, as Cowboy fan, never be shoked at how badly calling the prevent defense can get. And yet, watched the boys beat the sanctimonious dreary Stellers in their constant turmoil, so everytime I think ill get out...

but then nowadays ill take satire anywhere I can get it.

But, Remember to watch Tulsa King only on CBS! personally, NOT out of any morality, while cackling hyena, more Henna for sink three, Kamilla was easily trouncing Trump in new York by single digits, its a David Lean movie isnt it though,...?

the idea that a superstorm named of all things Milton in baring down pan this happy cesspool, well, as the white woman laugh, shows that no one gets these jokes.

outside of Saturnalia, my second best holiday in terms of arts and letters is lesbian Christmas , the roman holiday of Halloween. dont connect those things when surrounded by Irish drunkards.

if anyone would have told me that Doctor death Dick Cheney, so desperate for power, would now glom onto the war loving democrats...oh wait, i think i predicted that, i don't work at the drone company and meany others don't pop told me there is only so much shit you can eat.

every time a banned books week comes along, i always think, i have a AIR JORDAN shoe box in which almost every word of ROMAN LITERATURE, after white woman's barbarians forefathers burned as much as they could,is in where i have my trove. I wonder if Bill Clinton is the same.

Why do italian witches ride brooms across the sky...? Becasue she isnt some man's maid. --my mother told me that once on Halloween when i was a kid.

Bluesky now has over 10 million users, and I was #5,180,867!

Also loved seeing that whoever was recruited to shoot at a candidate because when you are pro abortion and pro war in the same party, well, death is your only platform, that he surrendered. No, no martyrs for the democrats and their mystery guest sign in please messiahs.