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I’m a Professor of International Relations at the University of Copenhagen. Diplomacy, Digital Technologies, Global Tech Policy, Geopolitics, European Union, International Political Sociology and Social Practice
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Ja, siger de danske politikere: "Vi vil gerne undgå udenlandsk indblanding i dansk politik og ændre loven for støtte til partier". Men det er en pseudo-løsning (og naivt), hvis man ikke gør som og Transparency International anbefaler: Fuld åbenhed om donationer til danske partier

🤔 The 🇩🇰 government asked us: how can democratic control over tech giants be strengthened? We - the government's expert group on tech giants - outline 7️⃣ principles and a set of guidelines for tackling economic, democratic, and security vulnerabilities:

Hvad nu hvis kunstig intelligens ikke kun var et værktøj for tech-giganter, men en katalysator for vores demokrati, velfærd, sikkerhed og sammenhængskraft? Hvad kan Danmark - og EU? Jeg GLÆDER mig til at tale med Marie Høst i Universitetsbiblioteket på i Fiolstræde på torsdag 23. jan. kl. 17:30-19:

A majority of Danes are in favor of the content moderation policy, which Meta now wants to remove. But there are also areas where most Danes believe that people can decide for themselves, e.g. whether women can share pictures of themselves topless on the beach. See a sample from our report below:

🔥 Our third report on tech giants and digital infrastructure is out (in Danish, an English version will follow) The Danish government tasked us to examine how democratic control over tech giants can be strengthened. We outline 7️⃣ principles and several more benchmarks:

A Festschrift is a book honoring a respected person, especially an academic, and presented during their lifetime. It often takes the form of an edited volume, containing contributions from the honoree's colleagues, former pupils, and friends 🙏, Alizera Lahijani and Einar Wigen

"Tjener I Rusland eller Georgien? Hvem har I svoret troskab til?" spørger Georgiens præsident Salome Zourabichvili, mens hun banker på urobetjentenes skjolde under demonstrationerne mod regeringen. Meningsmålinger viser, at 79 pct. af georgierne støtter EU-medlemskab

Are you interested in a Nordic Caucus at the International Studies Association (ISA)? Then you should sign the petition now - only 2 days left! 📝 #ISA #NordicCaucus

I had an unforgettable book workshop last week in Western Sweden, discussing manuscripts by and Ann Towns with Ole Jacob Sending, and Vincent Pouliot. I feel lucky to have such wonderful friends and colleagues who write such creative and important books

I'm honored to receive this award from the ISA's Diplomatic Studies Section 🙏 Hope to see many of you at the panel on Thursday at 4 PM featuring outstanding colleagues. Bonus: You might also be able to catch them at the reception at 8.15 PM later on Thursday in Plaza A Hilton #ISA2024 🥂

Attention: Open call for a Ph.D. scholarship in my Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen (we include all sub-fields). Excellent PhD Programme, great salary and it's in the middle of wonderful Copenhagen! Deadline for application: 25 February 2024. Start date: 1 September 2024

An honor to be invited to comment on Denmark's next tech diplomacy strategy at the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I underlined the need for research-informed decisions + the nitty-gritty (but crucial) politics of transparency and standard-setting as AI regulation is rolled out

Matilde Bro Hansen is our new PhD student in our research group on Digital Sovereignty here at the University of Copenhagen (with Kristin Eggeling and Olivia Hammershøy). She's fantastic and is already doing fieldwork on tech policy in Brussels..

Tech giants have become a geopolitical headache for governments around the world... Yesterday, we discussed what happens when one CEO, Elon Musk, with his personal beliefs and commercial interests, make foreign and security policy