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Author, rejectomantic blogger, dinosaur nerd, sword enthusiast, SFWA & HWA member. Stories in PseudoPod, On Spec Magazine, Factor Four Magazine, others.
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There's nothing quite like the Unseelie #Emporium, your source for all things cursed! Need ingredients for a hex for your in-laws uninvited visit? We have a whole aisle of options. Looking for a unicorn horn to finish that immortality spell? We have all sizes. Hex with the best! #vss365 #amwriting

Gary's Ecclesiastical #Emporium is a one-stop-shop for holy relics. Need a shard of the true cross? Gary's got it. Teeth and bones from saints and martyrs? Gary's got it. Video of you breaking the laws of man and God? Gary's got that AND a sweet deal on a papal indulgence. #vss365 #amwriting

She always hated eyes fixed on her. There was something about the world watching that set her nerves on edge. But now that her generalist talent made her an #outlier, the sole survivor of the disaster, she missed the company in her silent strolls through the woods. #vss365 #amwriting

The Z-virus means death and reanimation for most, but a tiny fraction of victims do not die or turn. This statistical #outlier is not a blessing, however. Survivors emit a kind of psychic beacon that attracts the undead, leading swarms to the few remaining sources of food. #vss365 #amwriting

Beware the urge to disregard the #outlier, she who finds the courage to believe and behave with loyalty to her own moral compass over following a crowd, that unique individual who refuses to live in a box of someone else's creation, 𝑠ℎ𝑒 is the one you'd do well to observe. #vss365 ✍️ #writers

Sam knew something didn't add up when she noted the #contour map showed there should have been a mountain range where she pointed. Instead a gigantic ocean sprawled. "That wasn't here a month ago." Ripples danced on the surface as if beckoning the explorers. #vss365 #amwriting

Online makeup tutorials are a godsend for the undead. In the effort to appear alive and human, proper application of cosmetics is key. No more pancaked foundation, haphazard #contouring, or lipstick shades that read more comic book villain rather than sultry vampire. #vss365 #amwriting

"Hold on, I summoned Coras, goddess of order. Who are you?" The glowing border collie grinned. "The deity you are trying to reach is unavailable. I'm her loyal companion and #interim goddess. Ain't nobody better than me at organizing! Whatcha need?" That day began World Peace. #vss365 #amwriting

There's a new submission market database called, and they offer an author profile that's essentially an online, linkable bibliography. Handy. I'm also liking their submission tracking. Here's my profile to give you an idea. #writingcommunity

After God created the heavens and the earth, there was darkness, a black #interim wherein his first creations dwelled. With the coming of light, the firstborn were banished to the outer void. There, they still fester, nursing their hatred with a desperate longing for home. #vss365 #amwriting

From the Big Bang everything seemed fine and dandy. That was until the demigod of chaos decided to trim a thread from the #fringe. Now dimensional gateways are popping up willy nilly. At least it's good for tourism. #vss365 #amwriting

Every wise guy has heard the legend of Nighttime Charlie. A hitman lurking on the #fringe of criminal society who only works at night, doesn’t use a gun or a knife, and leaves behind bloodless corpses. Sure, it’s probably bullshit, but I still wear a crucifix just in case. #vss365 #amwriting

I shut the door to the specially built #sonic chamber. My heart thudded in my chest as all I heard was silence. "Where are you?" It echoed briefly. Nothing. My shoulders fell. A moment later her music filled the room. Even death couldn't silence my beloved's genius. #vss365 #amwriting

Doc said my condition is chronic Can't be fixed with a potion or tonic But he gave me a choice To remove my wife's voice For my ill is entirely #sonic 😜 #vss365 #limerick #limericks #poetry #writersofbluesky ✍️ #amwriting #writingprompts

"I read that all Gen X women had a crush on Robin Hood. The cartoon fox." "I can see that. He's all slick and cocky." "Kinda like #Sonic the Hedgehog for girls from the 90s." "Really? I was always more of a Dr. Eggman girl." "Seriously? Why?" "Just imagine sitting on that moustache." #vss365

His Gorgeousness walked in, and all eyes turned to him, causing a #sonic boom. Their hearts tumbled to the floor, creating piles of pillows to cushion their weakened knees and bodies, leaving him no choice but to extend his hand to each of them, gallantly helping each to a chair with a hug. #vss365

Time travel produces an effect called a temporal tremor. It’s kinda like a #sonic boom, except that’s just noise. A time quake, on the other hand, means something changed. Maybe it’s just top hats never went out of style, and maybe it’s say hello your new dinosaur friends. #vss365 #amwriting

All that mattered to proud Caroline Was sustaining her #thoroughbred line When her daughter conceived Caroline, most aggrieved, Soon discovered the father was equine 🐎 Giddyap! 😆 #vss365 #limerick ✍️ #writersofbluesky

Whenever #thoroughbreds pop up in conversation, my thoughts go straight to Gho Sing It, Secretariat’s great-granddaughter. A former polo pony, Gho Sing It now lives contentedly in our pasture, comfortable at 25 years old. She loves donuts and has two mini-donks and a cat for friends. #vss365

"I wonder what it's like to ride a #thoroughbred." "Huh?" "Imagine all that power and speed." "That reminds me: Have I ever told you about my fling with Thaddeus Cedric the Sixth?" "?" "He could trace his lineage back three centuries." "And?" "He was very speedy, I'll give him that." #vss365

We got Bert from a box of kittens outside a Target. The dude giving the little critters away said we’d chosen a real #thoroughbred. Whatever that means. I will say the “gifts” Bert brings us—horrid, squirming things with too many eyes—definitely mark him as one of a kind. #vss365 #amwriting

Even the universe has a sense of humor. It is grim, but how else do you explain the Sun wiping all chance of life off Venus by emitting a galactic level #fart. #vss365 #amwriting

"Should I pour us some wine?" "Wine? At 10 am?" "It might go well with the cheese you just cut." "What? I did not #fart!" "It's OK, baby." "I didn't!" "Then how do you explain the smell of rotten eggs here?" "I didn't fart!" "Sure thing, Lucifer. Lemme crack open a window anyway." #vss365

As an apprentice exorcist, I trained under Father Liam Byrne, an enlightened soul with a gutter mouth. I once asked him how we could know if someone was truly possessed. He’d laughed and said, “Evil, real evil, is as obvious as a #fart in an elevator, rank and inescapable. #vss365 #amwriting

They called her aggressive. Hostile. A #petulant girl with scuffed shoes and twigs in her hair. A disgrace. The same people called him assertive. Strong. A boy of conviction, who wasn't afraid to get dirty. Little did they know that their words only served to make her stronger in the end. #vss365

Grocery shopping with a demon in your ear is challenging. They're always judging your choice of breakfast cereal and hard liquor. ;) (From my #WIP Hell to Play.) #WIPSnips #horror #amwriting

Their mansion, once opulent, Their love, once ebullient He, understandably, grew corpulent Hence, frequently flatulent Whereas she, once sweet and succulent, Became, quite unfairly, #petulent Their marriage turned turbulent Never violent - just ambivalent. #vss365

I heaved a sigh and counted to 10. When I opened my eyes he was still in my living room with his #petulant glare fixed on me. "Well?" The ghost cracked soundless knuckles. "Are you going to take your hideous wallpaper down and restore the original decor, or are we going to have a problem?" #vss365

Demons are a #petulant bunch, and though they demand souls and blood, they must also be appeased in more mundane ways. For example, if Abraxas is not offered three human sacrifices AND a cup of hot cocoa, he may sulk for hours before acquiescing to the summoner’s demands. #vss365 #amwriting

"Where are we going?" Her hand stretched back as she ran. I took it and followed. She tugged, coaxing me. With each step, her hair grew redder, her ears longer. Awash in her citrus scent, #unbridled desire claimed me. She stopped. "Lead the way." Pulse quick, I left my world behind. #vss365

Kelsy holds up her badge. Sage looks closer. "Hospital janitorial?" "Night shift!" Kelsy beams. "Brilliant, right?" "That's one way for a vampire to access a veritable #resivoir of blood bags." Sage says. Kelsy's grin sharpens. "You really shouldn't call people 'blood bags.'" #vss365

“I felt calm; things finally made sense. I shoved my laptop and personal items into a duffel bag, left my engagement ring and keys to our apartment—his apartment, actually—on the table, got into my car and started driving.” Joe watches me with #unbridled incredulity. “Damn, Liz” #vss365 #WIPSnips

Brides #Unbridled shot a supernatural special with a vampire, a succubus, a demon, two werewolves, and the elder deity Nar-Golax. It never aired because the brides were cheerful, friendly, and, well, boring. Turns out humans are a MUCH better fit for a show about monsters. #vss365 #amwriting

I could've sworn I'd spent my #reservoir of tears but then I watched your would-be bride marry her very alive groom, and somehow my tears replenished and fell and fell until Mrs. Someone-Not-Yours came upon me in the bathroom and I choked down what had to be the very last of them. #vss365 Sadly true

"Your gas #reservoir is nearly empty." "You mean my gas tank?" "Yes." "Why'd you say reservoir?" "For it is fancy. Also, we should refill before tonight's carousing." "Carousing? You mean the dinner party?" "Indeed." *mutters* "My reservoir of patience might be nearly empty, too." #vss365

Grandpa was a theoretical physicist, and he sometimes talks about an Army facility he worked at near here called Ambrose Labs. As far as I know there's no such place. When I ask him if he means Ambrose #Reservoir, he gets very still and whispers, “You can’t drown forever.” #vss365 #amwriting

Okay, #writingcommunity, help me figure out if an element of my story is too obscure. If the characters are playing poker, and one player is dealt the ace of clubs, the ace of spades, the eight of clubs, and the eight of spades would that hand mean anything to you? Just answer yes or no.

"Hey, you're back! How was the DnD cruise?" "Ugh. My vacation buzz is already gone thanks to #onslaught of emails." *takes over keyboard, deletes emails* "There. If it's important, they'll write again." "But-" "No buts. I'm your dungeon master now. Now relax and show me vacation pics." #vss365

Hangovers are bad enough. Hangovers while babysitting a bored demon are, well, absolute hell. ;) From my current WIP HELL TO PLAY. #WIPSnips #horror #writingcommunity #amwriting

To combat the #onslaught of junk that fills your mailbox, there’s but one solution. Ritual magic. A simple incantation can keep credit card offers, flyers, and catalogs at bay, but banishing more potent adversaries, like the dreaded AARP, requires no less than blood sacrifice. #vss365 #amwriting